It's Dance of the Druids, Darling!
Author: Anthony dos Santos Pereira, number 93016, University of Aveiro, Year 2020-2021
1st Project of INTRODUÇÃO À COMPUTAÇÃO GRÁFICA Curricular Unit
This project consisted of the modeling and animation of a vast set of different meshes and geometries, aiming to recreate a scene from the Outlander (2014) series, such as BoxGeometry, TorusGeometry, ExtrudeGeometry, CylinderGeometry, PlaneGeometry, among others. Some types of light were also used like AmbientLight, DirectionalLight, PointLight, and HemisphericLight. The use of shadows was also applied. The user can interact with the scene using the keyboard.
Audio Autoplay
Google Chrome: Be sure that you don't have any window opened - Open terminal & Type: google-chrome --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required
Firefox: Allow permission on browser