- Start to use stow to manage my dotfiles
stow -t ~ stow
stow --dotfiles vim
stow -vv coc -t ~/.vim
stow -vv --dotfiles dot-config -t ~/.config
stow -vv custom-snippets/ -t ~/.vim
cd @arch && stow --dotfiles zsh
cd @macos && stow --dotfiles tmux
- boot to liveiso (WITH EFI)
- arch-chroot
mount /dev/sda6 /mnt # (sda6 is your installation disk) arch-chroot /mnt mount /dev/sda2 /efi # mount correct esp directory mkinitcpio -P linux # (generate /boot/**image) if needed (if you dont mount esp to `/boot` you cant) (me don't know why) grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/efi --bootloader-id=arch_grub2 --recheck --debug # optional (fix grub menu entry), dont know when should yet grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg # dont dont
- Check fstab:
UUID=F81C-AD65 /efi vfat defaults,noatime 0 2
- After install
package, make sure to reinstalllinux
kernels (took me 5 hours) - TODO wait for this fix
May 29 23:38:28 andyhoang-pc kernel: nvidia-gpu 0000:06:00.3: i2c timeout error e0000000
(1660) - Remove unused
sudo ln udev/rules.d/wakeup.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
- xclip for vim/neovim and system clipboard to synced without additional config