Web app for searching various video games with different genres and operating systems. Also additional lists of new games, upcoming games, and popular games. App made using Raw Game Database, React, and Redux
In this project, I used React because I can create a much better layout, easy control state, and use self-made or third-party components. In this app, I used React Router to change the address of the page to display game details.
Created and used a function that resizes images for faster load.
Redux is used to store, in a state, fetched game data from raw API (Link: https://rawg.io/apidocs), game details, load effect, and names of searched games. Redux Thunk is used to dispatch those actions asynchronously and resolve each promise that gets returned.
I used Axios as a method to make requests for the game data
As a method for styling, I used styled-components without additional CSS files