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Local Docker demo to move data between two Cassandra containers using the Scylla Migrator


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Scylla Migrator

This repo is a fork off the original scylla-migrator and is for educational purposes. We have bypassed some steps like running to make it as fast as possible. If you want to go through the process of running the local Docker example Scylla provides or running the migrator on a live Spark cluster, you can find the instructions on their original repository linked above. Additionally, if you want to further extend this demo, follow the instructions on the original repository for how to rebuild the JAR after making code changes.


  1. Docker


1. Clone this repo

git clone

2. Get Docker containers started

If at any point you notice 137 errors and containers crash or refuse start, you will need to increase the memory resource allocation. You can do this by going to your Docker settings and increasing the memory from 2.00 GB to 4.00 GB (or higher if 4.00 doesn't work). I ran into these 137 issues and increasing my memory resources from 2.00 to 4.00 GB allowed this demo to work as needed.

cd scylla-migrator
docker-compose up -d

3. Add CQL files to Cassandra Containers

We will run a few commands to add the cql files that we will run onto the source and target Cassandra containers.

docker cp source.cql scylla-migrator_cass1_1:/
docker cp target.cql scylla-migrator_cass2_1:/

4. Set up Source and Target Cassandra Containers

  1. Open a new terminal / tab and run the following commands for the Source Cassandra container
docker-compose exec cass1 cqlsh


source '/source.cql'


select count(*) from demo.spacecraft_journey_catalog ;

This should return 1000 rows. These are the 1000 rows that we will transfer to the Target Cassandra Container

  1. Open a new terminal / tab and run the following commands for the Target Cassandra container
docker-compose exec cass2 cqlsh


source '/target.cql'


select count(*) from demo.spacecraft_journey_catalog ;

This should return 0 rows as we will populate this table using the migrator. Remember, the destination table must have the same schema as the source table. If you want to rename columns, you can do so in the config.yaml file; however, for the sake of our purposes, we are not doing that.

5. Set up config.yaml file

  1. Go back to the first terminal / tab and create the config.yaml file from config.yaml.example
mv config.yaml.example config.yaml
vim config.yaml
  1. Edit source host to cass1 and update keyspace and table values to demo and spacecraft_journey_catalog, respectively
  2. Edit target type to cassandra, host to cass2, and update keyspace and table values to demo and spacecraft_journey_catalog, respectively
  3. Escape and save

6. Run Spark Migrator

We are now ready to run the Spark Migrator using all of the setup we have done now. Once you run the below command, you may notice that there are some savepoint issues. At the time of writing this, I have not been able to debug it; however, it does not cause any functional issue as the migration will work as intended. More on savepoints can be found in the config.yaml / config.yaml.example files. In order to reduce walkthrough time, we have already provided the assembled JAR using sbt assembly. The spark-master container mounts the ./target/scala-2.11 dir on /jars and the repository root on /app, so you all you have to do is just copy and paste the below command to run the migrator for this example. As mentioned above, if you want to update the JAR with new code, you will need to re-run and then run spark-submit again.

NOTE: Make sure you are still in the first terminal

docker-compose exec spark-master /spark/bin/spark-submit --class com.scylladb.migrator.Migrator \
  --master spark://spark-master:7077 \
  --conf \
  --conf spark.scylla.config=/app/config.yaml \

7. Confirm Migration

To confirm the migration occured, run the following command in the Target Cassandra Container terminal / tab. If you try it right away, you may see the numbers increase as Spark is working, but it should fully complete in less than ~10-15 seconds. But once completed, there should be 1000 rows in the Target Cassandra Container.

select count(*) from demo.spacecraft_journey_catalog ;

And that will wrap up the walkthrough. With Scylla's Spark Migrator, we were able to migrate data from one Cassandra container to another. We could use actual host addresses to move data between Cassandra clusters, but for the purposes of a quick learning exercise, we just used Docker to simulate it.

Additional Resources


Local Docker demo to move data between two Cassandra containers using the Scylla Migrator








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  • Scala 98.7%
  • Shell 1.3%