This repository contains a MapProxy application for the Datapunt Map project. It provides a UWSGI-based WMTS and WMS server to serve pre-generated tiles from a storage backend (typically an object store).
- Mapproxy generic config, this defines the services, sources, caches, layers and globals
- MapProxy WMTS config, this defines the service, sources, caches, layers and globals for the WMTS server.mapproxy-seed.yaml
- Defines the sources and caches used in seeding the basiskaarten and luchtfotos.seed.yaml
- MapProxy caching configuration defines the caches to build and their bboxes and zoom levels.
Run this for local development (Windows)
setx OS_URL ""
docker compose up
This will spawn a MapProxy container that serves WMTS and WMS services from the acceptance object store that contains pre-generated tiles.
To fill the Azure Blob store container with new tiles, run this (Linux):
export MAPSERVER_URL=mapserver_instance_for_reference_map
export AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING=DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=my-storage-account;AccountKey=my-key
./start_tiles {rd|rd_light|rd_zw|rd_lufo|wm|wm_light|wm_zw|wm_lufo}
If we need help with MapProxy, we can contact the following person:
Edward Mac Gillavry