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Chat Application


This is a simple real-time chat application built using the Travel Reverb, Vue.js, SQLite, and Laravel. The application allows users to send and receive messages in real time. It is a web-based chat system that leverages Laravel for the backend, Vue.js for the frontend, and SQLite as the database engine.


  • User Authentication: Users can sign up and log in to the chat system.
  • Real-Time Messaging: Instant communication using Travel Reverb for real-time broadcasting.
  • Responsive Design: Works on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • SQLite Integration: Lightweight database used for storing user and message data.
  • Message History: Users can view previous messages from the chat history.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Receives notifications when new messages arrive.

Technology Stack

  • Laravel: Backend framework to handle API requests, routing, authentication, and database management.
  • Vue.js: Frontend JavaScript framework used for building the user interface.
  • Laravel Reverb: Laravel package used for broadcasting events and enabling real-time communication.
  • SQLite: Lightweight, file-based database for storing user and message data.

Core Components

  1. Backend (Laravel)

    • RESTful API for managing user authentication and message retrieval.
    • WebSocket broadcasting with Travel Reverb for real-time communication.
    • SQLite database for storing messages, user data, and chat sessions.
  2. Frontend (Vue.js)

    • Chat Component: Handles real-time message display and user interaction.
    • Message Input: Allows users to type and send messages to the chat.
    • Authentication Views: Login and registration forms for user access control.
  3. Database (SQLite)

    • Stores user information, including credentials and chat messages.

Key Files & Folders

  • Laravel Backend:

    • routes/web.php: Defines routes for the application.
    • app/Http/Controllers/ChatController.php: Handles the chat functionality.
    • app/Models/Message.php: Model to manage message data.
    • database/migrations/: Contains the migration files for the database schema.
    • config/broadcasting.php: Configures the Travel Reverb settings.
  • Vue.js Frontend:

    • resources/js/components/ChatComponent.vue: Core Vue component for the chat interface.
    • resources/js/app.js: Initializes Vue and connects to Laravel Echo for WebSocket handling.
  • SQLite Database:

    • database/database.sqlite: SQLite database storing user data and chat history.

API Endpoints

  • POST /login: Authenticate user and return token.
  • POST /register: Register a new user.
  • GET /messages: Retrieve the chat history.
  • POST /messages: Send a new message.

How It Works

  1. User Registration and Authentication:

    • Users sign up and log in using Laravel's authentication system. Once logged in, they can start chatting.
  2. Real-Time Messaging:

    • When a user sends a message, the message is stored in the SQLite database.
    • Travel Reverb broadcasts the message to all connected clients in real time, enabling live chat updates.
  3. Chat Interface:

    • The chat interface is built using Vue.js. When new messages are received via Travel Reverb, they are dynamically added to the message feed.

Future Improvements

  • Add support for private messaging between users.
  • Implement file sharing (images, documents) in chat.
  • Add typing indicators and read receipts.


Using Laravel Reverb with Laravel 11






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