Java project realized in IMAC Engineering School, in April and May 2016. It works on Eclipse with Processing. Control your rocket to avoid the maximum of meteros. Have fun !
git clone
- Open Eclipse
- Create a new Java Project
- Do not use default location and browse the git project Space-Rocket
- Click on Next and verify if all library files have been imported
- Finish
If some librairies are not detected, you have to add the JAR files to each of them.
- In Eclipse, go to Project > Properties
- Go to the subcategory Java Build Path
- Go to the tab Libraries
- Click on Add JARs
- Go to Space-Rocket/lib/
- Add JAR file for each library (for LeapMotion and Processing libs, select your good OS folder)
- Apply and click OK
In Eclipse, go to Project > Properties
Go to the subcategory Java Build Path
Go to the tab Libraries
Check if there is no error. If there are errors:
- Check if the file
is detected - Check if the file
is located to the good leapmotion lib OS folder - Check if
Native location library
is configurated with the good leapmotion lib OS folder
- Check if the file
Apply and click OK
- Connect your MIDI controller and your Leap Motion
- Run the project on Eclipse
- Have fun
Use your UP and DOWN keys of your keyboard to choose you level. Enter to select it.
Use your LeapMotion or your directionnal keys of your keyboard.
Use the pads number 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10 to active the bonus that you want. You can also use the keys 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of your keyboard.
You can use the pad number 11 to display/hide the menu, but you can also use the key "A" of your keyboard.
You have to download Eclipse and buy a Leap Motion and a MIDI Controller. If you don't have neither LeapMotion nor MIDI Controller, you can play with your keyboard. π