A Flutter application to explore popular movies by consuming data from The Movie Database (TMDb) API.
PopMovie is an application built using Flutter that allows users to view a list of popular movies, along with detailed information about each movie. The app fetches data from the TMDb API and displays it in a user-friendly interface. It allows users to view their favorite movies, and it handles offline scenarios by storing movie data locally.
- Movie List: Displays a list of popular movies with images, titles, and short descriptions.
- Movie Details: Tapping on a movie item opens a new screen with detailed information including a featured image, title, description, rating, release date, and popularity.
- Offline Support: Movie data is stored locally for offline viewing, in case of no internet connection.
- Error Handling: The app handles error scenarios such as 400 and 401 HTTP errors.
- Clean Architecture: The app follows the principles of Clean Architecture for better maintainability and scalability.
- Bloc Pattern: The application implements the Bloc pattern to manage state effectively.
Make sure you have Flutter installed on your machine. If you don't have it yet, follow the instructions in the official Flutter documentation to get started.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/Alpusa/PopMovies.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd PopMovies
Install the necessary dependencies:
flutter pub get
To run the app, use the following command:
flutter run
Upon launching the app, you will see the list of popular movies. You can tap on any movie to see its detailed information.
Tap on a movie from the list to view its detailed page, which includes a featured image, title, description, rating, release date, and popularity.
In case of no internet access, the app will show the previously saved movie data.
Below are some screenshots of how the app looks and functions:
The project is structured as follows:
├── core/
│ ├── constants/
│ │ └── app_routes.dart
│ ├── utils/
│ │ └── validators.dart
| | ├── network_info/
│ │ | └── network_info.dart
│ │ | └── network_info_impl.dart
│ ├── themes/
│ │ └── dark_schemes.dart
│ │ └── light_schemes.dart
│ │ └── material_theme.dart
│ │ └── theme_utils.dart
├── data/
│ ├── datasources/
│ │ ├── local/
│ │ │ └── local_data_source.dart
│ │ │ └── local_data_source_impl.dart
│ │ ├── remote/
│ │ │ └── remote_data_source.dart
│ │ │ └── remote_data_source_impl.dart
│ ├── models/
│ │ └── movie_model.dart
│ │ └── movie_model.g.dart
│ ├── repositories/
│ │ └── movie_repository_impl.dart
├── domain/
│ ├── entities/
│ │ └── movie.dart
│ ├── repositories/
│ │ └── _movierepository.dart
│ ├── usecases/
│ │ └── get_popular_movies.dart
│ │ └── get_favorite_movies.dart
│ │ └── check_favorite_movies.dart
│ │ └── add_favorite_movies.dart
│ │ └── remove_favorite_movies.dart
├── generated/
│ ├── intl
│ │ └── messages_all.dart
│ │ └── messages_en.dart
│ │ └── messages_es.dart
│ └── l10n.dart
├── l10n/
│ └── intl_en.arb
│ └── intl_es.arb
├── presentation/
│ ├── bloc/
│ │ ├── load_image/
│ │ │ └── load_image_bloc.dart
│ │ │ └── load_image_event.dart
│ │ │ └── load_image_state.dart
│ │ ├── movie/
│ │ │ └── movie_bloc.dart
│ │ │ └── movie_event.dart
│ │ │ └── movie_state.dart
│ │ ├── movie_detail/
│ │ │ └── movie_detail_bloc.dart
│ │ │ └── movie_detail_event.dart
│ │ │ └── movie_detail_state.dart
│ ├── cubit/
│ │ └── theme_cubit.dart
│ │ └── toggle_cubit.dart
│ ├── pages/
│ │ └── movie_detail_page.dart
│ │ └── movie_page.dart
│ ├── widgets/
│ │ └── cached_image_item.dart
│ │ └── movie_item.dart
│ │ └── toggle_item.dart
├── injection_container.dart
├── main.dart
Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue in the Issues section.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.