I'm learning Ruby on Rails and this is my second project.
It's a website that anyone can register himself and create recipes and share it.
Gems used on project production
- Bootstrap (CSS)
- Devise (Login User)
- Paperclip (Upload Image)
- Draper
- Friendly id
- Responders
Gems used on project tests
- Rspec (TDD)
- Ffaker
- Rubocop
- Factory girl
In this project i followed the instructions in the following Trello https://trello.com/b/6BGVDVdB/social-recipes-allan-klaus
Admin user: email - '[email protected]' passw - '12345687'
Normal user: email - '[email protected]' passw - '12345687'
Eu estou aprendendo Ruby on Rails e esse é o meu segundo projeto.
A ideia é um site que qualquer pessoa pode se registrar, cadastrar e compartilhar receitas.
Gems usadas em produção
- Bootstrap (CSS)
- Devise (Login User)
- Paperclip (Upload Image)
- Draper
- Friendly id
- Responders
Gems usadas para testes
- Rspec (TDD)
- Ffaker
- Rubocop
- Factory girl
No projeto eu segui as intruções do seguinte Trello https://trello.com/b/6BGVDVdB/social-recipes-allan-klaus
Admin user: email - '[email protected]' passw - '12345687'
Normal user: email - '[email protected]' passw - '12345687'