The pairwise distance calculation between two sets of points with Haversine formula for CPU/GPU vectorized in PyTorch.
The function calculates the pairwise distances between point in two lists in meters with >99.5% accuracy. PyTorch vectorized implementation allows usage in CPU and GPU.
Wall time ~5.9s:
- 568m pairs
- test sample 8,154*69,600
Wall time ~10.7s:
- 1.1b
- test sample 8,154*132,000
Wall time ~37.4s:
- 568m pairs
- test sample 8,154*69,600
l = [[1.01, 1.01], [2.01, 2.01]]
r = [[2.01, 2.01], [3.01, 3.01]]
dist_martix = haversine_torch(l,r)
left: List[List[float]] or List[Tuple[float]]
List of lists or tuples with coordinates with [latitude, longitude]
right: List[List[float]] or List[Tuple[float]]
List of lists or tuples with coordinates with [latitude, longitude]
matrix: bool
If you want to receive the matrix of left*right or tensor of length left*right. Default True.
R: int
Radius of planet where you wnat to measure distance. Default value = 6371000 according to the radius of the Earth.