So to solve all the problems with installing dnscrypt with entware (or similar) then setting up various scripts to handle dnscrypt-proxy starting up including the ntp issue, I made my own installer for dnscrypt-proxy.
- ARM based ASUS routers
- asuswrt-merlin firmwares or compatible
- jffs support and script enabled
- No known issue
- dnscrypt-proxy version 2 with DoH and DNSCrypt version 2 protocols, multiple resolvers, and other features
- Running as nobody through nonroot binary (using --user requires change to passwd)
- Support ARM and MIPSEL based routers
- Support OpenDNS dynamic IP update by entering your OpenDNS account information
- Handling ntp update at router boot up by starting dnscrypt-proxy with cert_ignore_timestamp option
- Redirect all DNS queries on your network to dnscrypt if user chooses to
- Install haveged/rngd for better speed with dnscrypt and other cryptographic applications
- Support various HW RNG such as TrueRNG (tested with v3), TrueRNGpro, OneRNG, EntropyKey
- Ability to setup a swap file
- Ability to setup timezone file (/etc/localtime) used by dnscrypt-proxy and other apps
- Ability to reconfigure dnscrypt-proxy without reinstalling unlike previous installer for dnscrypt-proxy version 1.x.x
Run this command from ssh shell and following the prompt for dnscrypt-proxy version 2:
curl -L -s -k -O && sh installer ; rm installer
User can safely update from dnscrypt-proxy version 1 to version 2 with above command.
If you want to use dnscrypt-proxy version 1, run this command:
curl -L -s -k -O && sh installer dnscrypt-proxy-v1; rm installer
If you use OpenDNS, run this command on Windows cmd
nslookup -type=txt
You should see something like
"dnscrypt enabled (717473654A614970)"
in result.
Otherwise running this command:
pidof dnscrypt-proxy
will return a number.
I need following directory and files:
One can use this command to create a tar archive of these files:
echo .config > exclude-files; tar -cvf dnscrypt.tar -X exclude-files /jffs/dnscrypt /jffs/scripts/dnsmasq.postconf /jffs/scripts/firewall-start /jffs/scripts/wan-start ; rm exclude-files
in current directory and send me the archive for debug.
I also need follwoing information:
- Which dns server you selected during dnscrypt installtion
- Which router you're using
- Firmware and its version
- Use dnscrypt-proxy binary packages from
- Compiling and stripping required binaries using firmware building toolchain from asuswrt-merlin
- Write the installer script with stuffs inspired from from asuswrt-merlin
- You can look at all the stuffs here