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Build and Deploy to GKE


Plataforma de análise de discursos de personalidades públicas e combate a Fake News.


  • Fork this repo and clone it locally:
    git clone<your-username>/aletheia
    cd aletheia
  • Startup Mongo DB via Docker and Ory Kratos:
    docker-compose up -d
  • Install packages:
    yarn install
  • To run in dev mode
    yarn dev
  • Access http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Development DB

  • Run seeder:
    yarn seed

Build to production

  • The build step should be run as follow:
yarn build

Configuring Ory

Local environment

Execute the following command to start Ory Kratos using Docker Compose:

docker-compose up kratos kratos-migrate

You can also use the self-service-ui-node and maisluper images to have a better experience debugging Ory.

3. Verify the Ory Kratos Installation

After starting the service, you can verify that it's running by accessing the admin panel:

  • Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:4434/admin
  • You should see a 404 page not found message, which indicates that the server is running but the requested endpoint does not exist.

4. Configuration Setup

  • Configuring YAML Files Copy the Ory configurations from config.example.yaml to your config.yaml and config.seed.yaml:

    • Replace the values for url, admin_url, admin_endpoint, and schema_id with the appropriate values based on your setup in config.example.yaml.
  • Configuring Environment Variables Copy the Ory configurations from .env.example to your .env file:

    • Update the NEXT_PUBLIC_ORY_SDK_URL and ORY_SDK_URL variables as specified in the .env.example file.

5. Seed the Database

Run the following command to seed the database with initial data:

yarn seed

6. Verify User Creation

Check if users were created successfully by accessing the identities page:

Ory Cloud

Taking What You Need:

  • Create an account and a project on
  • Copy the SDK Configuration url and save it.
  • Scroll down in the same page and create a Personal Access Tokens, copy the acess token that gonna show up on the bottom of your screen and save it.
  • Go to Identity Schema and click on Customize Identity Schema then change the actual schema to the code below and click Update after the change:
  "$id": "",
  "title": "Person",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "traits": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "email": {
          "type": "string",
          "format": "email",
          "title": "E-Mail",
          "": {
            "credentials": {
              "password": {
                "identifier": true
              "webauthn": {
                "identifier": true
              "totp": {
                "account_name": true
            "recovery": {
              "via": "email"
            "verification": {
              "via": "email"
          "maxLength": 320
        "user_id": {
          "type": "string"
        "role": {
          "type": "object"
      "required": [
      "additionalProperties": false
  • Go to SDK Configuration url that you saved and add /schemas in the end of the url then copy the first id on the page and save it.
  • If you want to check if it is the right id, at the same url paste after /schemas the /<schema_id> contaning the id that you just copied.

Making The Changes On Your Code:

  • First you gonna have to change the authentication_type: to ory on your config.yaml and config.seed.yaml.
  • Now take SDK Configuration url and paste on url: in both pages config.yaml, config.seed.yaml and on ORY_SDK_URL= in your .env too.
  • Now Paste the acess token that you saved on access_token: in your config.yaml and config.seed.yaml.
  • Do the same as above but now with the id that you saved and paste it on schema_id: .

Setting up your own UI to make the right redirects:

Enable your TOTP Authenticator App:

  • On ory console go into Two-Factor authentication section and enable TOTP Authenticator Apps, then save it.

MongoDB Atlas Search

Creating indexes

  • On mongoDB cloud go into Database > Your Cluster
  • Once you select your cluster goes into the tab Search
  • Here you can see all your created search indexes
  • Click on CREATE INDEX button
  • Select the Visual Editor configuration method and click in Next button
  • Name your index, select the collection and click in Next button
  • Create your own configurations by clicking on Refine Your Index
  • Disable Dynamic Mapping and click in Add Field button in Fields Mapping
  • Select your field name, disable dynamic mapping and click in Add Data Type button
  • For personality search we select the name field
  • For sentence search we select the content field
  • For claim search we select the title and date field
  • Select your data type and change the configs if you want to
  • For claim title, personality name, and sentence content research, we select autocomplete data type, with 10 max grams and 3 min grams
  • For claim date field, we select Date data type
  • Add another data type if you want to click in the Add another data type icon
  • Save your changes
  • Review your new search index and click in Create Search Index button

Using Mongo DB Atlas

  • Replace your connection_uri with your MongoDB atlas connection URI in config.yaml
  • Bellow of connection_uri add atlas field with a true boolean

Feature Flag in Git Lab

  • Create a GitLab account from the url: to be inserted into the project and have permission to access the closed tools
  • Access Aletheia's GitLab account via the url:
  • Click on the Deployments option
  • Then click on the Feature Flag option
  • Click on Configure, which is in front of the New Feature Flag button
  • Appear the settings needed to be inserted into the .env e config.yaml
  • The settings are the api url, instance id and appName
  • The appName that should be inserted is: Local, you must pay attention to the capital letter which makes a difference here
  • API URL: URL where the client (application) connects to get a list of feature flags.
  • Instance ID: Unique token that authorizes the retrieval of the feature flags.
  • Application name: The name of the environment the application runs in (not the name of the application itself).
  • Follow the example to put the variables in the right places.

Localstack (AWS)

docker-compose up -d localstack  # Run in detached mode
Create a s3 bucket
docker-compose exec localstack awslocal s3 mb s3://aletheia