Framework to simplify writing telegram bots. Register framework as service in DI conatiner:
Inherit from the BotEventHandler class and add new method with specified attributes:
public class EventHandler:BotEventHandler
// Answer on "/start" command from private messages
[Command(InChat.Private, "start")]
public async Task Start() => await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Chat, "Hello! U started me =)");
//Answer on message with "ban" text
public async Task Ban() => await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Chat, "I will ban you right now! Just kidding");
//Answer on message that satisfy provided regex expression
[Message("^.*?(?i)python$", regex: true)]
public async Task Task() => await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Chat, "I hate snakes");
//Answer on any update
[Update(InChat.All, UpdateFlag.All)]
public async Task Update() => await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Chat, "Hello");
//Answer on message that contains photo or video
[Message(InChat.All, MessageFlag.HasPhoto | MessageFlag.HasVideo)]
public async Task PhotoVideo() => await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Chat, "Send me more!");
And enjoy =)
Example project can be found here
- .netstandard 2.0
- Microsoft Dependency Injection (via core or hosted service template)