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The public version of the Hinzu project has been started since photolab TikTok hackathon (#noPep8, #LeadSeniorReasearchCode).

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Hinzu <#-#>

The directory represents the project which has been started during PhotoHack TikTok (March 2019). Since the event project evolves from a tiny Flask app to the Django-backend and ReactApp-frontend as one app with a neural model for searching similar images through our parsed-downloaded image db and other features, e.g. index search optimizations, calculation of offline, online metrics for analyzing and validation.

In two words, there are two fully similar apps:

  1. Django app (hinzu-django) with templated views.
  2. The next one (completed frontend for the previous) is ReactApp ( which processing with the backend Django side, i.e. Django-Rest-Framework.

In addition, we save user appreciations as binary marks for resulted in a concatenated image (a user passed img with picked up the similar image from the film-image-base). So, we leave the possibility to improve our neural model.


Structure of the web_app/ file is a bit odd. The reasons are the following: we have created the app with views on Flask firstly then we decided to migrate in a "one day" to Django and after that, in one day we created the reactApp as a frontend side. Thus, in there are some active rudiments of Django's templated views and in Django RFW classes there are some odd session checks from the Flask app.


Disclaimer: this is not a well-written doc, thereby read on your own risk. Or merely check the bottom for creds.

  • django-app/: web Hinzu as -//- app into 8000 port;

    • web_app/: django-app with few views & postgresql user rated data and made embeds;
      • data/: dir for data to match with. Should include following dirs as well:
        • movies/
        • memes/
        • pinterest/

        this dirs should contain embeds.npy or files and also images/ dir with images accordingly;

    • Dockerfile: develop version of web_app uses;
    • production version uses;
  • react-hinzu-app: tiny front app. It uses django api-rest-framework. Nginx serves built files. So, after success npm run build and scp -r build <server>:/home/ivan/, change previous build/ directory in a sec like following:

mv Hinzu/react-hinzu-app/build/ Hinzu/react-hinzu-app/last_build/ && mv build/ Hinzu/react-hinzu-app/build/ && rm -rf Hinzu/react-hinzu-app/last_build
  • docker-compose.yml: develop version of app uses;

  • production version uses & To start type the following

docker-compose -f up

If want also build image and run just diemon use flags --build and -d accordingly. To see logs after used diemon flag type logs -f:

docker-compose -f logs -f
  • hinzu_project: conf file from hinzu dev. server with nginx settings, should be located in /etc/nginx/sites-available/. To activate this configuration dnf to pass those settings to sites-enable/ dir:
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/hinzu_project /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
  • search/: scripts for making embeds & hnsw and other investigating/searching staff;

  • SCRAPPER/: additional code of imgs scrapping (Selenium and BeautifulSoup);

Tips & tricks

  • Where is reports&logs when it is prod version is running: all in volume and can be founded into mounted dirs on host. How to find:
docker volume ls
docker volume inspect <volume name>

What templates for similar images are used there?

All magic happens according to django-app/web_app/ file. There is ImageTemplate class with a few methods:

  • to_movie : this template runs on server,
  • to_blurface : just available template with 2 backgrounds.

Credential (c)

The Team:


The public version of the Hinzu project has been started since photolab TikTok hackathon (#noPep8, #LeadSeniorReasearchCode).







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