This repository contains a Nextflow pipeline for Nanoseq analysis applied to long-read data ( DNA , Blue line) for the GOLDOG longevity project (1st batch).
Before running the Nextflow command, make sure to perform the following steps:
Create a file named samplesheet.csv with the following information:
Use the following command to request a node on the compute cluster:
srun --pty --cpus-per-task=12 --mem=100G bash
Execute the following command to run the Nanoseq Nextflow pipeline:
--input samplesheet.csv \
--protocol DNA \
--skip_quantification \
--skip_demultiplexing \
-profile singularity
- --input samplesheet.csv : specifies the input file.
- --protocol DNA: indicates the DNA analysis protocol.
- --skip_quantification: skips the quantification step.
- --skip_demultiplexing: skips the demultiplexing step.
- -profile singularity: uses the Singularity profile for execution.
Ensure that Nextflow is installed, and Singularity is available on your cluster before running the command.
The pipeline generates the following output directories:
- fastqc: FastQC reports for input and output files.
- minimap2: Minimap2 alignment results.
- multiqc: MultiQC report summarizing the analysis.
- nanoplot: NanoPlot reports for input and output files.
- pipeline_info: Information about the pipeline.
- variant_calling: zipped VCF file with smtructural variants.
- 2nd_batch : Contains the main second batch analyses
- QC_fastqc : Statistical analysis of quality for the sequences resulting from FastQC.
- QC_mapping : QC_mapping: Statistical analysis of quality for the alignment results with the reference genome.
- QC_concat : Analysis of concatenated 1st batch data.
- R:
- samtools:
- Python:
- Pipeline_info :
BEDTOOLS_GENOMECOV: bedtools: 2.29.2 CUSTOM_DUMPSOFTWAREVERSIONS: python: 3.10.6 yaml: '6.0' CUTESV: cuteSV: 1.0.12 DEEPVARIANT: deepvariant: 1.4.0 GET_CHROM_SIZES: samtools: '1.13' MINIMAP2_INDEX: minimap2: 2.17-r941 SAMTOOLS_STATS: samtools: 1.16.1 SNIFFLES: sniffles: 1.0.12 UCSC_BEDGRAPHTOBIGWIG: ucsc_bedgraphtobigwig: '377' Workflow: Nextflow: 23.10.0 nf-core/nanoseq: 3.1.0