Welcome to AirHopper Team, part of the Independent Study Program at Binar Academy! 🚀
We are a team of 8 individuals collaborating to develop a web-based flight ticket booking application as our final project.
Our team consists of 8 members, divided into two main roles:
- Full-Stack Web Developers (FSW)
- Back-End Developers (BE)
Each member plays a vital role in delivering a successful project.
Project Name: Flight Ticket Booking Application
Platform: Web
Our application allows users to search, book, and manage flight tickets effortlessly.
We leverage modern technologies to provide an excellent user experience.
- 🔍 Search for flights by destination and date
- 🛒 Real-time ticket booking
- 📜 View and manage booking history
- 🔐 User authentication and data security
- Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL
- Front-End: React.js
- Deployment: GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
Our organization hosts several repositories to support development:
- Frontend Repository: For user interface development.
- Backend Repository: For server and API management.
- Admin Panel Repository: Application for Management System.
We welcome contributions and suggestions! Here’s how you can contribute:
- Fork one of the repositories.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Submit a Pull Request.
Thank you for visiting our organization! We hope this project provides value to all users. 😊