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This is js implementation of a 8051 emulator that makes you run binary or intel hex 8051 program on web page. by default, it's only have core SFR and doesn't have interrupt request source, so you need to add it if it's necessary. see how to add SFR or how to add interrupt request source

How to use it

Here is an example of how to simply run a program

<!-- create a html file so that you can open it on browser -->

<!-- put bellow code into <head> -->
<!-- step.1  introduce all the script file that we need-->
<script src="51vm_core.js"></script>
<script src="51vm_operand.js"></script>
<script src="51vm_operation.js"></script>
<script src="51vm_opcode_decoder.js"></script>
<script src="51vm_ctl.js"></script>
<script src="51vm_peripheral.js"></script>
<script src="hex_decoder.js"></script>

    function readfile() {
        let file = null
        if (this.files.length > 0)
            file = this.files[0];
        // step.2 create a vm and reset
        let vm = new _51cpu();
        // step.3 load ROM
        let reader = new FileReader()
        reader.onloadend = function () {
            vm.IDATA = decode_ihex(reader.result);

        // step.4 reset and run it
    <input type="file" name="ROM file" id="file" onchange = "">

Load an Intel Hex file

read the file as text, then use the function decode_ihex on the text to get expected ROM object.

let vm = new _51cpu();

let reader = new FileReader()
reader.onloadend = function () {
    vm.IDATA = decode_ihex(reader.result);

SFR operation

add SFR

use member function sfr_extend, it'll accept a Map<Number,String> object(address is key and name is value) as argument, and return Map<String,reg> object, which you can get the register object by its name.

get or set SFR's value

Any installed SFR can be retived directly by its name, then you can use get to read the value and set to modify the value. SFR for getting SFR A as an example:

let vm = new _51cpu();  
vm.A.set(0x1);              // set A to 1
console.log(vm.A.get());  // print "1"

vm.PC.set(0x2100F);         // set PC to 1
console.log(vm.PC.get());  // print "4111", 0x100F in hex
  • set will process overflow automatcially.
  • set and get will invoke the listener, see here to know the usage of listener.

you can do this for SP, DPL,DPH,PSW,A,B and PC, as well as the SFRs that you added by memeber function sfr_extend.

attach function to SFR

reg object provides listener to let you know when the core is accessing the SFR, so you can attach functions to respond to these operations.

For example, I wanna simulate a UART one the SFR SBUF, the input data is pre-stored in a array input_buffer. When core is reading SBUF, I pop out the data in the head of the input_buffer and feed it to CPU. when core is writing SBUF, I'll append the output to the array output_buffer:

let vm = new _51cpu(0x80, 0x100)
//test SFR set/get
let input_idx = 0
let input_buffer = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
let output_buffer = []

vm.sfr_extend(new Map([
    [0x98, "SCON"],
    [0x99, "SBUF"]

vm.SBUF.setlistener.push(function (old_value, new_value) {

vm.SBUF.getlistener.push(function (current_value) {
    vm.SBUF._value = input_buffer[input_idx]

vm.SCON.getlistener.push(function (old_value, new_value) {
    // set RI if we haven't read all input_buffer
    if(input_idx != input_buffer.length){
        vm.SCON._value &= 0xFE
        vm.SCON._value |= 0x01

    // sending is always available, so TI is always 1
    vm.SCON._value |= 0x02

//-------------------test code ------------------
vm.IDATA = [
    0xD2, 0x99,         // SETB TI 
    0x30, 0x98, 0xFD,   // S0:  JNB RI, $ ;wait RI
    0xE5, 0x99,         //      MOV A, SBUF
    0xC2, 0x98,         //      CLR RI
    0x04,               //      INC A
    0x30,0x99,0xFD,     //      JNB TI, $ ;wait TI
    0xF5,0x99,          //      MOV SBUF, A
    0xC2, 0x99,         //      CLR TI
    0x80,0xF3]          //      SJMP S0

while(output_buffer.length != input_buffer.length){
console.log(output_buffer) //(6) [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

That is not such intuitive, but under this case, you can treat the member _value as the interface between the core and the SFR.

When core is writing SFR, the core is driving the interface and is writing certain data to _value, then you can use setlistener to capture this operation.

When the core is reading SFR, the core is expecting you to put some data on the interface,so you can use getlistener to change the _value before the core read this 'interface'.


The IRAM, XRAM, IDATA(ROM) is a simple array, but notice that IDATA might contain null that indicate the invalid byte, that's usually caused by gap between the segment in the intel hex file.

//create a emulator with 0x80 size IRAM, 0x10000 size XRAM, 
// IDATA is empty by default
let vm = new _51cpu(0x80,0x10000)

// get length of IRAM, XRAM, IDATA 
console.log(vm.IRAM.length) // 0x80
console.log(vm.XRAM.length) // 0x10000
console.log(vm.IDATA.length)// 0

vm.IRAM[0] = 0xFF
console.log(vm.IRAM[0])// print "255"

vm.XRAM[0x100] = 0x0A
console.log(vm.XRAM[0x100])// print "10"

//CLR A 
//      SJMP LOOP
vm.IDATA = [0xE4, 0x4, 0x80, 0xFD] //100 step, so A is increased 50
console.log(vm.A.get())// print "50"

Interrupt Request Source

To send interrupt request to core, you can assign a function to the member irq. the function should return a integer to indicate if there is any interrupt request.

If the irq return value is smaller that 0, it means not interrupt request.

If the irq return value is bigger that 0, it should represent which interrupt vector that we should go to.

Core will use (irq() << 3) + 3 to get destination interrupt vector address.

Here is an example to show how to use it to trigger interrupt 1, and then increase the ACC:

let count = 4
let vm = new _51cpu()
vm.irq = function(){
    return 1

        return -1
vm.IDATA = [
    0xE4,       // CLR A  
    0x80, 0xFE,  // SJMP $
    0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,   // NOP x8    
    0x04,        // INC A  ; interrupt 1
    0x32        // RETI
console.log(vm.A._value) // should be 4

Checking Error

when emulator find that the program is accessing a invalid address of the IRAM,XRAM,IDATA, it'll record the information in the member error_info. you can ignore it if you don't care. otherwise, you can use error_info.code to check after each step:

let vm = new _51cpu()

//      SJMP NEXT
//      NEXT:
vm.IDATA = [0x80, 0x00, null]

while(vm.error_info.code == CPU_NO_ERROR)

if(vm.error_info.code == CPU_ERROR_INVALID_ROM_ADDRESS)
    console.log(vm.error_info.addr) //should be "2"

error_info.code should be one of the following type:

CPU_NO_ERROR // I'm fine
CPU_ERROR_INVALID_IRAM_ADDRESS //  access invalid IRAM address, might caused by small IRAM
CPU_ERROR_INVALID_ROM_ADDRESS  //  access invalid IDATA(ROM) address
CPU_ERROR_INVALID_SFR_ADDRESS  //  access invalid SFR address
CPU_ERROR_INVALID_XRAM_ADDRESS //  access invalid SFR address, might caused by small XRAM

member function reset will set the error_info.code to CPU_NO_ERROR.


js 8051 simulator






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