At VividCortex we love Angular! It abstracts away the need to directly modify the DOM. It provides an excellent set of methods to help bring structure to your code. Also it's packed with conviance methods to help work with JavaScript objects.
- Frontend Brainiac at VividCortex
- Fairly new to AngularJS
- Team members
- JS needs good oversight
- Helps you find bugs
- Easy way to enforce coding style
- Using self closing functions
- Divide your code modules by view
- Utilites to share
- Working to support async deps
- Breaking components into seperate project
- Don't use recursive $watch
- Use hashes to monitor change
- Double and triple check your changes
- Keep the code simple
- Click on element $0 ng.element
- Using MainCtrl to create a shared scope. Future is scope inhertiance.
- Script tag template
- Use webstorm edit html fragment
- AngularJS 1.2 private memebers
- Keep directives composable - keep functionaility simple.
- When to use element vs classes -
- angularjs webstorm plugin
- zen coding
- Karam
- Test Services First
- Easier to test
- Angular Services are Singletons
- Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS
- A Better Way to Learn AngularJS
- JavaScript The Good Parts