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Releases: After-the-End-of-All-Things/game

Release v0.4.0

22 Sep 13:12
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0.4.0 (2023-09-22)

Bug Fixes

  • api: only log 5xx errors (15cb866)
  • api: recapture http errors as real errors, split user messages and errors up (35b09b5)
  • api: refactor all manual usages of notifications into a wrapped function for consistent usage (67173d8)
  • api: rework lots of internal getters to guarantee existence rather than check in every subfunction (f468476)
  • auth: auth should not throw errors, instead should return them (7444cdd)
  • explore: explore will no longer throw when you try to find an item (2cb92c9)
  • explore: wave now shows the correct profile picture for the recipient (173588a)
  • inventory: item stats recalculate properly (f00bc1f)
  • lottery: allow players to buy lottery tickets at any time (862f6b6)
  • lottery: jackpot updates after buying a ticket (44c039c)
  • lottery: move daily reset to me page, do it correctly (2004bc6)
  • lottery: ticket lottery shouldn't break the server anymore (ff25e16)
  • notifications: disable actions on old notifications (1bc0110)
  • town: list was not 100% width (c576533)


  • auth: forgot password feature. email verification feature. change email/password feature. email verification badge on public profile for the cool kids (afd68ce)
  • combat: sort abilities by whether or not you can use them (ad11229)
  • lottery: notify winner if they win via ticket numbers (01bdf63)
  • town: add worship center (bbdf35d)
  • town: add worship feature. add worship leaderboard. add worship to headless runner (94edd14)

Release v0.3.1

19 Sep 02:43
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0.3.1 (2023-09-19)

Bug Fixes

  • combat: combat page shouldn't fail when no fight exists (16ecf0c)
  • crafting: fix crafting time display for seconds (cd65c0f)
  • itemstats: sort stats alphabetically when displaying them in a list (bae4680)
  • markdown: markdown renderers shouldn't try to render something that doesn't exist (8bfd769)
  • me: me page shouldn't error when you don't have job levels set (435c3c3)
  • rollbar: do not track errors that dont have a message (c2e693f)


  • combat: add tooltips on elements to indicate bonus damage (cdaf0ac)
  • explore: job change now has a dialog (ffc87a9)
  • inventory: show stats in inventory table, rework some table (92a0bb7)
  • lottery: add notification for lottery claiming (a652d4f)
  • lottery: add ticket lottery. closes #100 (1e4222e)
  • profile: separate weapon/basic abilities, add move/flee to basic (d2734b8)

Release v0.3.0

17 Sep 15:54
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0.3.0 (2023-09-17)

Bug Fixes

  • ability: ability display synced between list and combat (a82bc83)
  • api: add a rate limiter to prevent duplicate actions from seeping through (1304f48)
  • api: api will no longer send patches with _id in them, closes #79 (54b9d03)
  • api: internal ids for market and fight should work better (32204ac)
  • collection: better card number display (e0f3982)
  • collections: ui now looks better in firefox (71edd01)
  • combat: add a safeguard for restarting combats when all enemies are dead but combat is frozen (4b9002c)
  • combat: background image no longer blocks ground targetted skills (4a361bf)
  • combat: correctly adjust combat ability display for current element multiplier (ee3d068)
  • combat: fix combat freeze when trying to give item rewards (45c82dd)
  • combat: fix elemental damage math to actually boost hit chance (05cdeb8)
  • combat: fix twohorizontal and threevertical targetting. fix up visuals (2e76cfe)
  • combat: hide special gauge if you have no special moves (773dcaf)
  • combat: npcs will no longer try to use things that are on cooldown (45a117c)
  • combat: show ability icons (a1c2874)
  • core: rework all _id/id to internalId (417fe1c)
  • crafting: crafting page should show collected items correctly. closes #122 (fc4d3f7)
  • crafting: crafting that no longer gives xp will have a different button color. closes #90 (1ff38f3)
  • equipment: chips are no longer clickable, even though that's really fun. closes #86 (f1454cd)
  • fight: fix check for invalid fights (a7208dc)
  • fight: running away no longer puts you in a phantom fight (a9b4c3e)
  • leaderboard: leaderboard queries shouldnt throw an error (345ac54)
  • leaderboard: walking to a location will correctly put you on the leaderboard for that location (8100022)
  • login: update latest announcement visuals to be slightly better (3ee6d69)
  • notification: fix notification generating with incorrect ids for actions (2db2e8e)
  • profile: add loading spinner, better validation for invalid profiles (94a504e)
  • profile: can no longer open and click confirm to set your portrait to itself. closes #98 (4d1db50)
  • profile: can now select bg/portrait 0 (6b5d899)
  • profile: fix people who dont have otherJobLevels set (56d92f7)
  • profile: fix some errors causing the page to not render correctly (d7fbca8)
  • profile: stats query for profile should work correctly (b8fde7b)
  • sprite: no more -1git statusgit status! (719e021)
  • table: all data tables are less bad looking now. closes #66 (f4c6c68)
  • travel: can no longer travel when looking at monsters. travel resets your action. closes #169 (cdc5fe2)
  • ui: background images load correctly on first load. closes #147 (dab403c)
  • ui: claim coin notif will no longer persist until refresh (3303202)
  • ui: no more -1 in sprite icons (ff4ac76)


  • combat: add 'all enemies' targetting (4cb2bde)
  • combat: add neat background underlay for fights (e2529e1)
  • combat: add special gauge, make special attacks require special gauge (8fe5908)
  • combat: combat can now drop items. closes #106 (7ac4312)
  • combat: damage is more random - more resist/toughness merely improves chance for damage to be 0 (6f10969)
  • combat: make skill popup bigger (57ad440)
  • combat: show hit percentage for each creature (7e5a9a9)
  • combat: show tooltip for damage calculations for abilities (0c2bed7)
  • combat: some abilities hit multiple times (c682e35)
  • combat: some skills can require a specific piece of equipment to function (827993c)
  • content: load game content from server instead of global if the server is available (5682eee)
  • equipment: can now unequip from equipment page. closes #103 (29c83a0)
  • equipment: show equipment level on equipment page (c626ddc)
  • explore: you can only wave at a person once every 12 hours, closes #51 ([6400445](
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Release v0.2.0

10 Sep 23:26
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0.2.0 (2023-09-10)

Bug Fixes

  • collections: Fix off-by-one error in portrait display, closes #154 (#165) (82bea8a)
  • combat: make time between turns go 5x faster, closes #168 (7d49e2b)
  • explore: disable explore button immediately, closes #125 (#162) (6c644e7)


  • combat: rework display area to not have name on the sprite. closes #164 (f35f928)
  • dx: PRs will now have a required title or commit format (2592041)
  • explore: can find npcs that unlock backgrounds and sprites (4283587)
  • explore: you can now encounter npcs who will let you change your class (a4e3fd1)
  • town: add leaderboards to towns. closes #123 (17b6bab)
  • ui: can choose backgrounds. one background can be found (fdf5707)

Release v0.1.12

08 Sep 13:10
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0.1.12 (2023-09-08)

Bug Fixes

  • client: put version.json in the correct folder. closes #155 (1bdb25e)
  • combat: actually skip characters who have no turn - no glowing (3a4ba9a)
  • combat: remove invalid fights if they ever occur. closes #127 (c39e8fb)
  • combat: ui should downscale better for fights. closes #119 (44957eb)
  • discoveries: you can now discover a monster multiple times (03121d4)
  • inventory: can take resources when your normal inventory is full (c4770f1)
  • ui: when taking an item from explore, the update event is fired correctly. closes #150 (80cec50)


  • combat: use toughness/resistance. closes #115 (bff0e25)
  • explore: monster formations are weighted (4929a08)

Release v0.1.11

07 Sep 10:47
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0.1.11 (2023-09-07)

Bug Fixes

  • combat: attempt to fix FNF by not ending the fight twice. closes #128 (766b23c)

Release v0.1.10

07 Sep 10:40
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0.1.10 (2023-09-07)

Bug Fixes

  • combat: enemies now respect ability cooldowns (2c48b6d)
  • core: remove optional values in items, closes #97 (e4fba4b)
  • core: use ws instead of sse. closes #149 (4ca44a6)
  • explore: no explore while in combat, closes #148 (a4c9756)


  • ui: show level up when you level up from exploring, instead of negative xp. closes #116 (3ebefe5)

Release v0.1.9

31 Aug 21:12
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0.1.9 (2023-08-31)

Bug Fixes

  • core: do not show full urls for sse - they flood logs. closes #117 (56391b8)
  • errors: rethrow some db-adjacent errors (52634c8)


  • ui: add coin/oat icons (f2fa7df)
  • ui: call out dev mode for browser tab name (3bea2ee)

Release v0.1.8

31 Aug 17:33
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0.1.8 (2023-08-31)

Bug Fixes

  • combat: combat ends correctly (983e075)


  • ui: add lots of custom icons. closes #64 (0846bb2)

Release v0.1.7

31 Aug 13:00
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0.1.7 (2023-08-31)

Bug Fixes

  • core: hopefully add better error handling. closes #133 (32f7944)
  • core: merge all event sources into one websocket, fix client to utilize one, using a united interface. closes #131 (00ed143)
  • crafting: change ambiguous collect to take (d1826c1)
  • fight: fix fleeing a fight throwing fight not found [ending the fight twice is not sensible]. (1a41808)
  • migration: items will no longer migrate if they have an instance id (which triggers every time) (11fe9c7)
  • ui: segments are now colored by tertiary, instead of primary, to not clash with xp bars. closes #142 (8b72209)
  • xp: make xp require more every 10 levels (5154541)


  • ui: add number formatting to more things on collections page (865cf4d)
  • ui: improve descriptions for non-raw-percent values in travel screen, closes #121 (145f88c)