Week 16 of the year 2020
1469 commits
to master
since this release
Items added
- BlazorGrpcWebCodeFirst -
Sample project that demonstrates how you can use gRPC-Web with Blazor WebAssembly hosted on ASP.NET Core. Publish and consume your services without having to create .proto files - with the code-first approach.
- Trains.NET -
2D game built with .NET and C#.
- GTAVehicles -
Sample app to manage GTA vehicles. Demo.
Components & Utilities
- BlazorWebView -
Blazor WebView control for WPF, Android, macOS, iOS. Run Blazor on .NET Core and Mono natively inside a Webview. Documentation.
- Blazor.ScriptInjection -
Smart script tags in Blazor components, ideal for lazy loading of javascript files.
- Table.Net -
Interactive and flexible Data Tables for Blazor Web Apps.
- DnetIndexedDb -
Blazor Library for IndexedDB DOM API.
- Trains.NET - Let's draw things with Blazor - April 10, 2020 - Building a 2D game with .NET and C#, let's draw things with Blazor. Trains.NET's Source code.
- Trains.NET - Experimenting with Blazor - April 8, 2020 - Building a 2D game with .NET and C#, experimenting with Blazor. Trains.NET's Source code.
- Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 4 release now available - April 16, 2020 - Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 4 release now available.
- Mobile Blazor Bindings - State Management and Data - April 14, 2020 - Mobile Blazor Bindings - State Management and Data.
- Stripe.NET Create Stripe Webhooks Receiver - April 13, 2020 - Stripe.NET Create Stripe Webhooks Receiver.
- Blazor: Handling 404s with IIS - April 9, 2020 - Blazor: Handling 404s with IIS.