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03 Parameter Tags

Colby Ausen edited this page Apr 22, 2015 · 1 revision

Parameter Tags

There are several parameter tags available to create the MuCow widget's On-Object UI (OOUI). This is the fly-out menu that allows the user to set certain settings about the widget.

Parameters can then be included in your code, and replaced


Specifies a parameter that will be user entered text. This text can be displayed as either a single-line or multi-line entry box in the OOUI. The maximum number of characters allowed in this field is 2048 starting with Muse 2014.0. Prior to this, the maximum was 1024.


<text name="myTextBox" defaultValue="The default value" />

Example <text> parameter tag

<text name="myTextBox" defaultValue="The default value" 
	label="A Label" toolTip="This is the toolTip"
	multiline="true" />

Example <text> parameter tag with the multiline option set

Required Attributes

| Name | Values | Description | |---|---|---|---| | name | Unique String | The name of the value. | | defaultValue | String | The default value this item should have when first placed |

Optional Attributes

Name Values Minimum Format Description
label String Label to display in the OOUI
toolTip String Tooltip to display in the OOUI when hovering over this option
paramEncoding URIComponent
The type of encoding to apply to the entered parameter
multiline Boolean If set to true a multiline text control will be created in the UI instead of a single line text box.
defaultIllegalForOutput Boolean 2 Will warn the user if the default value is used when exporting or publishing the site


Specifies a parameter that a user can select from a set of given options. Options are given using <value> tags, which are children of the <list> tag. See Child Tags section.


<list name="myList" defaultValue="Second Value" label="My List">
	<value name="first" label="First Value"/>
	<value name="Second Value"/>
	<value name="third_value" label="Last One"/>

Example <list> parameter tag

Required Attributes

| Name | Values | Description | |---|---|---|---| | name | Unique String | The name of the value. | | defaultValue | String | The default value this item should have when first placed. This must match one of the name attributes of a child <value> element. |

Optional Attributes

Name Values Description
label String Label to display in the OOUI
toolTip String Tooltip to display in the OOUI when hovering over this option

Child tags


Specifies a user-selectable value. NOTE: <value> tags can contain Content Tags which will modify the output.


| Name | Values | Description | |---|---|---|---| | name | Unique String | REQUIRED Value that will be passed to the final code. | | label | String | A label to display to the user |


Specifies the user should enter either a partial or full URL.


<url name="myURL" label="My URL" 
	defaultValue="" />

Example <url> parameter tag

<url name="myURL" label="My URL" 
	currentPageOrURL="true" />

Example <url> parameter tag

Required Attributes

| Name | Values | Description | |---|---|---|---| | name | Unique String | The name of the value. | | defaultValue | String | The default value this item should have when first placed. This must match one of the name attributes of a child <value> element. |

Optional Attributes

Name Values Minimum Format Description
label String Label to display in the OOUI
toolTip String Tooltip to display in the OOUI when hovering over this option
urlStart String A comma separated list of URL prefixes. all entered URLs must start with one of these, or be incomplete URLs.
currentPageOrURL Boolean If set to 'true', user will be able to enter an arbitrary URL, or choose the URL for the current Muse Page.
dummyDomainPrefix String If the user hasn't yet entered a domain name, when generating HTML for the current page, this dummy prefix will be used, along with a GUID.
defaultIllegalForOutput Boolean 2 Will warn the user if the default value is used when exporting or publishing the site


Specifies an option that the user will be able to toggle on/off. Must include the values to use for true & false. One or both values may disable other options. Multiple bool UI elements will be arranged in columns


<bool name="toggleOption" label="Toggle Option" defaultValue="foo">
	<trueVal value="foo"/>
	<falseVal value="bar" disableOptions="myTextBox,myURL"/>

Example <bool> parameter tag with option on Example <bool> parameter tag with option off

Required Attributes

| Name | Values | Description | |---|---|---|---| | name | Unique String | The name of the value. | | defaultValue | String | The default value this item should have when first placed. This must match one of the name attributes of a child element. |

Optional Attributes

Name Values Description
label String Label to display in the OOUI
toolTip String Tooltip to display in the OOUI when hovering over this option

Child tags


Specifies a value to pass when user turns on this option. NOTE: <trueVal> tags can contain Content Tags which will modify the output.


| Name | Values | Description | |---|---|---|---| | value | String | Required. Value that will be passed to the final code. | | disableOptions | List | A comma separated list of name values for options that are disabled when the item is in this state. |


Specifies a value to pass when user turns off this option. NOTE: <falseVal> tags can contain Content Tags which will modify the output.


| Name | Values | Description | |---|---|---|---| | value | String | Required. Value that will be passed to the final code. | | disableOptions | List | A comma separated list of name values for options that are disabled when the item is in this state. |


Specifies the user entered value should be a number


<number name="myNumber" min="1" max="100" step="1" 
	snap="0.1" defaultValue="1" label="Number: "/>

Example <number> parameter tag

Required Attributes

| Name | Values | Description | |---|---|---|---| | name | Unique String | The name of the value. | | defaultValue | String | The default value this item should have when first placed | | min | Number | The minimum allowed value | | max | Number | The maximum allowed value |

Optional Attributes

Name Values Description
label String Label to display in the OOUI
toolTip String Tooltip to display in the OOUI when hovering over this option
step Number How large a step should be if the user clicks the up or down arrow. Defaults to 1
snap Number What increment should values snap to. Defaults to 1
digitsPrecision Number The number of digits to show after the decimal point


A built in is a special type that allows you to get values that are specified directly in Adobe Muse. These values are passed in the same as any other parameters, and the name can be any one of the values listed below.


| Name | Values | Description | |---|---|---|---| | name | Type | Required. One of the types listed below | | supportedLocales | List | Comma separated list of languages supported by this MuCow. If the document language is not one of these languages, the English equivalent will be used instead |


Page item width in Muse
Page item height in Muse
The unique ID that is designated to this page item
The unique ID that identifies this Muse site
Country code for the current Muse document (e.g. US, FR, JP)
Character code for the language of the current Muse document (e.g. en, fr, es)
Language and country code for the current Muse document (e.g. en_US, fr_FR, es_ES)


Informative text to show in the On-Object UI, which can optionally link to a URL. Only supported by widgets format 2 or above.


<info label="You can place informative text here."/>

Example <info> parameter tag

<info label="Click Here!" linkURL=""/>

Example <info> parameter tag with a link

Required Attributes

| Name | Values | Description | |---|---|---|---| | value | String | The text to display to the user |

Optional Attributes

| Name | Values | Description | |---|---|---|---| | linkURL | URL | The URL to take the user to if the text is clicked |


A line used to separate parameters in the On-Object UI. Only supported by widgets format 2 or above.


<text name="name" label="Name:" defaultValue="You" />
<info label="Here's some more content"/>

Example <separator> parameter tag

