The solutions provided here are both tested on Windows and Linux system Problem_13 uses gets fgets usage on same problem is in branch linux
The Question Set is in the pdf and the solutions are here in sequence
- Problem_1 -> Program to copy the contents of one file to another file.
- Problem_2 -> Merge two files into the Third File.
- Problem_3 -> Merge two files into the Third File.
- Problem_4 -> Program to compare two files.
- Problem_5 -> Program to print student memo using files
- Problem_6 -> Program to compute monthly salary of n employees using array of structures using each employee's basic pay. The DA is computed as 52% of basic pay Gross salary is computed as the sum of basic pay and DA.
- Problem_7 -> Program to implement the usage of pointer to structure and self referential function
- Problem_8 -> Program to swap two numbers using pointers
- Problem_9 -> Program to sort elements using bubble sort algorithm
- Problem_10 -> Program to Compute Matrix Addition and Multiplication using Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Problem_11 -> Program to illustrate the usage of malloc and calloc function
- Problem_12 -> Program to implement string function without using library function
- Problem_13 -> program to implement string palindrome
- Problem_14 -> Program to find min and max of the array
- Problem_15 -> Factorial Program
more coming soon 😪