Building a classification model for predicting the income using the Adult Census Income Dataset.
- In this notebook, we are going to predict whether a person's income is above 50k or below 50k using various features like age, education, and occupation.
Read More about it in my Blogpost
Column ID | Column Name | Data type | Values type | Description |
0 | age | int64 | Continous | Age of person |
1 | workclass | object | Discrete | Workclass of person |
2 | fnlwgt | int64 | Continous | Final weight |
3 | education | object | Discrete | Education Degree of person |
4 | education.num | int64 | Continous | Number of years of education |
5 | marital.status | object | Discrete | Marital status of person |
6 | occupation | object | Discrete | Occupation of person |
7 | relationship | object | Discrete | Relationship of person |
8 | race | object | Discrete | Race of person |
9 | sex | object | Discrete | Sex of person |
10 | capital.gain | int64 | Continous | Capital gain of person |
11 | capital.loss | int64 | Continous | Capital loss of person |
12 | hours.per.week | int64 | Continous | Number of hours per week |
13 | | object | Discrete | Native country of person |
14 | income | object | Discrete | Income category of person |
- Building such predictive models can help us better understand the population of a country as well as the various factors affecting the growth in the economy.
- Governments can understand such factors and improve upon them leading to the growth of the country.
- In this project, we build various models like logistic regression, knn classifier, support vector classifier, decision tree classifier, random forest classifier and xgboost classifier.
- A hyperparameter tuned random forest classifier gives the highest accuracy score of 92.77 and f1 score of 93.08.
- We have a large enough dataset, so we can use neural networks such as an artificial neural network to build a model which can result in better performance.