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BuildReactor .github/workflows/build.yml

Developer notifications and dashboard for CI servers

  • Gives you overview of all your builds in one place
  • Supports multiple continuous integration servers
  • Configurable notifications
  • Fullscreen mode let's you setup information radiator for your team within minutes
  • Works on Windows, Mac and Linux


Chrome Web Store

Mozilla Add-ons

Supported services

Below are the supported CI servers.



BuildReactor notifications

Popup and chrome badge

BuildReactor popup

Options page - adding new service

BuildReactor options page

Options page - service settings

BuildReactor options page

Options page - view configuration

BuildReactor view configuration page

Dashboard page

BuildReactor dashboard

Developer setup

It's recommneded to use VSCode with DevContainers extension (

This will open project with all needed dependencies.

Installation (manual)

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install all VSCode extensions listed in .devcontainer/devcontainer.json.


Go to project directory and run:

  • npm install
  • npm run dist
  1. Open Chrome Extension manager and Load unpacked extension.. from dist/build folder.


npm test - run unit tests

npm run test:watch - use during development to run tests continuously

npm run dev - opens web server at http://localhost:5137/ and also allows adding extension in Chrome pointing at dist/ folder. Hot module Replacement is on. You need to later use npm run dist to build a package that does not require a running server.

npm run dev:mock - runs webserver at http://localhost:5137/ for testing with mocked responses from service worker. useful to run browser inside VS for quick feedback.


Adding new service

Adding new dashboard


This code is distributed under Apache License version 2.0

Application icon based on