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Fixed unit test error on test_from inside auditevent, fixed Wix hardc… #482

Fixed unit test error on test_from inside auditevent, fixed Wix hardc…

Fixed unit test error on test_from inside auditevent, fixed Wix hardc… #482

name: System tests
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- name: Check out repository code, branch='${{ github.ref }}'
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install pytest
run: pip3 install pytest
- name: Build FIM
run: cargo build --release
- name: Change configuration to test on Linux
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: sed -i 's|usr/bin/.*|tmp/test|g' config/linux/config.yml
- name: Change configuration to test on macOS
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
run: sed -i '' 's|usr/bin.*|tmp/test|g' config/linux/config.yml
- name: Copy FIM binary to main folder
run: cp ./target/release/fim ./
- name: Create required directories
run: mkdir -p /tmp/test
- name: Create events file and folder
run: sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/fim/ && sudo touch /var/lib/fim/events.json && sudo chown -R runner:runner /var/lib/fim
- name: Create log file and folder
run: sudo mkdir -p /var/log/fim/ && sudo touch /var/log/fim/fim.log && sudo chown -R runner:runner /var/log/fim
- name: Start FIM process
run: sudo ./fim &
- name: Launch test suite
run: python3 -m pytest test/system/ -v --noconftest
- name: Print events.json file
if: always()
run: cat /var/lib/fim/events.json
- run: echo "Job's status is ${{ job.status }}."
runs-on: [self-hosted, ubuntu18]
- name: Check out repository code, branch='${{ github.ref }}'
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Build FIM
run: cargo build --release
- name: Change configuration
run: sed -i 's|/tmp|/tmp/test|g' config/linux/config.yml
- name: Copy FIM binary to main folder
run: cp ./target/release/fim ./
- name: Create required directories
run: mkdir -p /tmp/test
- name: Create events file and folder
run: sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/fim/ && sudo touch /var/lib/fim/events.json && sudo chown -R okynos:okynos /var/lib/fim
- name: Create log file and folder
run: sudo mkdir -p /var/log/fim/ && sudo touch /var/log/fim/fim.log && sudo chown -R okynos:okynos /var/log/fim
- name: Start FIM process
run: sudo ./fim &
- name: Check FIM running
run: sleep 5 && ps a | grep fim | grep -v grep
- name: Launch test suite
run: sudo python3 -m pytest test/system/ -v
- name: Print config file
if: always()
run: cat ${{ github.workspace }}/config/linux/config.yml || true
- name: Print log file
if: always()
run: cat /var/log/fim/fim.log || true
- name: Stop FIM process
if: always()
run: sudo pkill fim || true
- name: Clean temporal folder
if: always()
run: sudo rm -rf /tmp/test
- name: Clean log folder
if: always()
run: sudo rm -rf /var/log/fim/
- name: Clean lib folder
if: always()
run: sudo rm -rf /var/lib/fim/
- name: Clean workspace
if: always()
run: sudo rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/test/system/__pycache__/ ${{ github.workspace }}/test/system/.pytest_cache ${{ github.workspace }}/.pytest_cache
- name: Clean test output
if: always()
run: sudo rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/test_*
- run: echo "Job's status is ${{ job.status }}."
runs-on: [self-hosted, centos7]
- name: Check out repository code, branch='${{ github.ref }}'
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Build FIM
run: /home/okynos/.cargo/bin/cargo build --release
- name: Change configuration
run: sed -i 's|/tmp|/tmp/test|g' config/linux/config.yml
- name: Copy FIM binary to main folder
run: cp ./target/release/fim ./
- name: Create required directories
run: mkdir -p /tmp/test
- name: Create events file and folder
run: sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/fim/ && sudo touch /var/lib/fim/events.json && sudo chown -R okynos:okynos /var/lib/fim
- name: Create log file and folder
run: sudo mkdir -p /var/log/fim/ && sudo touch /var/log/fim/fim.log && sudo chown -R okynos:okynos /var/log/fim
- name: Start FIM process
run: sudo ./fim &
- name: Check FIM running
run: sleep 5 && ps a | grep fim | grep -v grep
- name: Launch test suite
run: sudo python3 -m pytest test/system/ -v
- name: Print config file
if: always()
run: cat ${{ github.workspace }}/config/linux/config.yml || true
- name: Print log file
if: always()
run: cat /var/log/fim/fim.log || true
- name: Stop FIM process
if: always()
run: sudo pkill fim || true
- name: Clean temporal folder
if: always()
run: sudo rm -rf /tmp/test
- name: Clean log folder
if: always()
run: sudo rm -rf /var/log/fim/
- name: Clean lib folder
if: always()
run: sudo rm -rf /var/lib/fim/
- name: Clean workspace
if: always()
run: sudo rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/test/system/__pycache__/ ${{ github.workspace }}/test/system/.pytest_cache ${{ github.workspace }}/.pytest_cache
- name: Clean test output
if: always()
run: sudo rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/test_*
- run: echo "Job's status is ${{ job.status }}."