The 7 Minute Workout App is a fitness application developed for Android using Kotlin and Android Studio. This app is designed to provide users with a quick and effective workout routine that can be completed in just 7 minutes. The app leverages the Room database to store user data, track workout history, and personalize the experience.

Quick and Effective Workouts: The app guides users through a series of exercises, each lasting 30 seconds with a 10-second rest in between. The entire workout takes only 7 minutes, making it easy to fit into a busy schedule.
Workout History: The app stores users' workout history in the Room database, allowing them to review past workouts and track their progress.
BMI Calculator: A built-in BMI calculator helps users assess their body mass index by entering their weight and height information. This feature provides valuable insights into overall health and fitness.
Kotlin: The app is developed using the Kotlin programming language, which is the preferred language for Android app development.
Android Studio: The official IDE for Android app development, used for designing, coding, and testing the application.
Room Database: The Room persistence library is used to store and manage user data, including workout history and user profiles.
- Android Studio installed on your machine.
- A compatible Android device or emulator.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Open the project in Android Studio.
Run the app on an Android device or emulator.
Launch the app on your Android device.
Create an account or log in if you already have one.
Follow the on-screen instructions to start your 7-minute workout.
Track your progress in the app and review past workouts in the history section.
If you would like to contribute to the development of the 7 Minute Workout App, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and submit a pull request.