This repo is related to projects of MITx;A machine learning course developed by MIT professors and stuff.
Contains all projects from linear models to deep learning.
- Linear Classifiers, Regularization: Sentiment analysis
- Neural Networks with Pytorch: ANNs, RNNs, CNNs
- Unsupervised Learning : K-Nearest, Mixture Models and EM algorithm (Gaussian Mixture Models)
- Reinforcement Learning: Q-Learning algorithm
you gonna need this following packages:
numpy, matplotlib, scipy, tqdm, scikit-learn , pytorch
visit Pytorch for more installation guide depending in your OS and envs (pip or anaconda) w/ or wo/ CUDA.
Create your environment
conda create -n <name of your env> python==3.9
Then activate the env
conda activate <name of your env>
Using pip (or conda), in one go, install these packages
pip install numpy scipy matplotlib tqdm scikit-learn
This is not a project repo, it's a somewhat a guide for new verified learners to slove the project problems, in case they stuck.