The following steps create a local PostgreSQL database and an API server that accepts requests on http://localhost:10000
Please see the API Endpoints section below this section for endpoint definitions.
Install Docker Desktop
Create a new directory:
mkdir temp
- Create a new Docker Compose YAML file:
cd temp
touch docker-compose.yml
- Paste the following service definitions in the
version: '3.7'
image: aarondelaplane/dexpress-api-scala:0.2
- 10000:10000
- postgres
image: postgres:12.1
- 5432:5432
POSTGRES_DB: dexpress
- Create and start the services defined in the docker-compose.yml file
cd temp
docker-compose up
> cd <project root>
> docker-compose down
> docker-compose up --force-recreate
- Build JAR file
> cd <project root>
> sbt
sbt> clean
sbt> assembly
sbt> exit
- Build Docker image (this action will make the image available locally)
> docker build -t aarondelaplane/dexpress-api-scala:<version> .
- Push Docker image to Docker Hub (this action will make the image available remotely)
> docker push aarondelaplane/dexpress-api-scala:<version>
Endpoints may only return 200
, 204
, or one of the error responses listed below.
Note that the term resource used below is meant in the general sense. For example, a PostgreSQL database, table, or row is a resource as are the several third-party API endpoints that this API calls under the hood.
"bad request: <helpful error message>"
"<resource name> authentication error: <helpful error message>"
"<resource name> not found error: <helpful error message>"
"<resource name> invalid duplicate state error: <helpful error message>"
"<resource name> invalid state change attempt error: <helpful error message>"
"data transformation error: <helpful error message>"
"<resource name> generic error: <helpful error message>"
"<resource name> transaction error: <helpful error message>"
GET /assets
trading: boolean
offset: integer range[0 - 1000]
limit: integer range[0 - 1000]
may not be used together in the same request
filter: id_user uuid
filternot: id_user uuid
Return all trading assets in successive series of 10 per call:
GET /assets?trading=true&offset=0&limit=10
GET /assets?trading=true&offset=10&limit=10
GET /assets?trading=true&offset=20&limit=10
Return all trading|non-trading assets for id_user in successive series of 10 per call:
GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=0&limit=10&filter=<id_user>
GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=10&limit=10&filter=<id_user>
GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=20&limit=10&filter=<id_user>
Return all trading assets except those for id_user in successive series of 10 per call:
GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=0&limit=10&filternot=<id_user>
GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=10&limit=10&filternot=<id_user>
GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=20&limit=10&filternot=<id_user>
id_asset: uuid
id_user: uuid
id_asset_steam: string
id_user_steam: string
id_class: string
id_instance: string
id_link: string | null
id_app: integer
is_trading: boolean
type_asset: string
float_value: float | null <- always float for trading assets
amount: string
market_hash_name: string
icon_url: ?
sticker_urls: [] url
tag_exterior_category: string | null
tag_exterior_internal_name: string | null
tag_exterior_localized_category_name: string | null
tag_exterior_localized_tag_name: string | null
tag_rarity_category: string | null
tag_rarity_internal_name: string | null
tag_rarity_localized_category_name: string | null
tag_rarity_localized_tag_name: string | null
tag_rarity_color: string | null
tag_type_category: string | null
tag_type_internal_name: string | null
tag_type_localized_category_name: string | null
tag_type_localized_tag_name: string | null
tag_weapon_category: string | null
tag_weapon_internal_name: string | null
tag_weapon_localized_category_name: string | null
tag_weapon_localized_tag_name: string | null
tag_quality_category: string | null
tag_quality_internal_name: string | null
tag_quality_localized_category_name: string | null
tag_quality_localized_tag_name: string | null
tag_quality_color: string | null
- Ordering of returned assets is currently based off of property
. This is a temporary solution to enforce consistent results. In the future, ordering will be based off of more sophisticated search parameters. - A user may have a maximum of 1000 tradable assets. This limitation is set by Steam.
- Calls to fetch assets for a specific user result in the following workflow:
if (id_user does not map to row in table events_refresh_assets)
=> read user's inventory from Steam's Web API
=> validate, process, & write user's inventory to table assets
=> write event metadata to table events_refresh_assets
=> read & return user's inventory from table assets
else if (id_user does map to row in table events_refresh_assets)
if (refresh time period not expired)
=> read & return user's inventory from table assets
else if (refresh time period expired)
=> read user's inventory from Steam's Web API (inventory_A)
=> validate & process user's inventory
=> read user's inventory from table assets (inventory_B)
=> combine inventory_A & inventory_B to create new representation of user's inventory
- maintain trading status of still-valid assets
=> delete user's inventory from table assets
=> write combined inventory to table assets
=> write event metadata to table events_refresh_assets
=> read & return user's inventory from table assets
GET /user/exists
idusersteam: string
GET /user/exists?idusersteam=<id_user_steam>
POST /user
id_user_steam: string
name_first: string
id_user_steam: string
name_first: string
id_user: uuid
GET /user
idusersteam: string
GET /user?idusersteam=<id_user_steam>
id_user_steam: string
name_first: string
id_user: uuid
PATCH /asset
idasset: uuid
trading: boolean
PATCH /asset?idasset=<uuid>&trading=<boolean>