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API Endpoints to support Dexpress' front-end application

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Dexpress API Scala

How To Run On Your Local Machine

The following steps create a local PostgreSQL database and an API server that accepts requests on http://localhost:10000.

Please see the API Endpoints section below this section for endpoint definitions.

  1. Install Docker Desktop

  2. Create a new directory:

mkdir temp
  1. Create a new Docker Compose YAML file:
cd temp
touch docker-compose.yml
  1. Paste the following service definitions in the docker-compose.yml file:
version: '3.7'
    image: aarondelaplane/dexpress-api-scala:0.2
      - 10000:10000
      - postgres
    image: postgres:12.1
      - 5432:5432
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password
      POSTGRES_USER:     postgres
      POSTGRES_DB:       dexpress
  1. Create and start the services defined in the docker-compose.yml file
cd temp
docker-compose up 

How To Create API And Datastore From Scratch

> cd <project root>
> docker-compose down
> docker-compose up --force-recreate

How To Create And Publish A New Docker Image Of API

  1. Build JAR file
> cd <project root>
> sbt
sbt> clean
sbt> assembly
sbt> exit
  1. Build Docker image (this action will make the image available locally)
> docker build -t aarondelaplane/dexpress-api-scala:<version> .
  1. Push Docker image to Docker Hub (this action will make the image available remotely)
> docker push aarondelaplane/dexpress-api-scala:<version>

API Endpoints

Endpoints may only return 200, 204, or one of the error responses listed below.

Note that the term resource used below is meant in the general sense. For example, a PostgreSQL database, table, or row is a resource as are the several third-party API endpoints that this API calls under the hood.

Schema / Response / Status 400 (Bad Request)

"bad request: <helpful error message>"

Schema / Response / Status 401 (Unauthorized)

"<resource name> authentication error: <helpful error message>"

Schema / Response / Status 404 (Not Found)

"<resource name> not found error: <helpful error message>"

Schema / Response / Status 409 (Conflict)

"<resource name> invalid duplicate state error: <helpful error message>"
"<resource name> invalid state change attempt error: <helpful error message>"

Schema / Response / Status 500 (Internal Server Error)

"data transformation error: <helpful error message>"
"<resource name> generic error: <helpful error message>"
"<resource name> transaction error: <helpful error message>"

Fetch Assets

GET /assets

Parameter / Query / Required:

trading: boolean
offset:  integer range[0 - 1000]
limit:   integer range[0 - 1000]

Parameter / Query / Optional:

  • filter and filternot may not be used together in the same request
filter:    id_user uuid
filternot: id_user uuid


Return all trading assets in successive series of 10 per call:

GET /assets?trading=true&offset=0&limit=10
GET /assets?trading=true&offset=10&limit=10
GET /assets?trading=true&offset=20&limit=10
Return all trading|non-trading assets for id_user in successive series of 10 per call:

GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=0&limit=10&filter=<id_user>
GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=10&limit=10&filter=<id_user>
GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=20&limit=10&filter=<id_user>
Return all trading assets except those for id_user in successive series of 10 per call:

GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=0&limit=10&filternot=<id_user>
GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=10&limit=10&filternot=<id_user>
GET /assets?trading=<boolean>&offset=20&limit=10&filternot=<id_user>

Schema / Response / Status 200 (Ok):

    id_asset:                             uuid
    id_user:                              uuid 
    id_asset_steam:                       string  
    id_user_steam:                        string
    id_class:                             string
    id_instance:                          string
    id_link:                              string | null    
    id_app:                               integer
    is_trading:                           boolean      
    type_asset:                           string
    float_value:                          float | null   <- always float for trading assets
    amount:                               string
    market_hash_name:                     string
    icon_url:                             ?
    sticker_urls:                         [] url
    tag_exterior_category:                string | null
    tag_exterior_internal_name:           string | null
    tag_exterior_localized_category_name: string | null
    tag_exterior_localized_tag_name:      string | null
    tag_rarity_category:                  string | null
    tag_rarity_internal_name:             string | null
    tag_rarity_localized_category_name:   string | null
    tag_rarity_localized_tag_name:        string | null
    tag_rarity_color:                     string | null
    tag_type_category:                    string | null
    tag_type_internal_name:               string | null
    tag_type_localized_category_name:     string | null
    tag_type_localized_tag_name:          string | null
    tag_weapon_category:                  string | null
    tag_weapon_internal_name:             string | null
    tag_weapon_localized_category_name:   string | null
    tag_weapon_localized_tag_name:        string | null
    tag_quality_category:                 string | null
    tag_quality_internal_name:            string | null
    tag_quality_localized_category_name:  string | null
    tag_quality_localized_tag_name:       string | null
    tag_quality_color:                    string | null


  • Ordering of returned assets is currently based off of property id_asset. This is a temporary solution to enforce consistent results. In the future, ordering will be based off of more sophisticated search parameters.
  • A user may have a maximum of 1000 tradable assets. This limitation is set by Steam.
  • Calls to fetch assets for a specific user result in the following workflow:
if (id_user does not map to row in table events_refresh_assets)

    => read user's inventory from Steam's Web API

    => validate, process, & write user's inventory to table assets

    => write event metadata to table events_refresh_assets

    => read & return user's inventory from table assets

else if (id_user does map to row in table events_refresh_assets)

    if (refresh time period not expired)

        => read & return user's inventory from table assets

    else if (refresh time period expired)

        => read user's inventory from Steam's Web API (inventory_A)

        => validate & process user's inventory

        => read user's inventory from table assets (inventory_B)
        => combine inventory_A & inventory_B to create new representation of user's inventory
             - maintain trading status of still-valid assets
        => delete user's inventory from table assets

        => write combined inventory to table assets

        => write event metadata to table events_refresh_assets
        => read & return user's inventory from table assets     

Check If id_user_steam Maps To Existing User

GET /user/exists

Parameter / Query / Required:

idusersteam: string


GET /user/exists?idusersteam=<id_user_steam>

Schema / Response / Status 200 (Ok):


Save New User

POST /user

Schema / Request:

  id_user_steam: string   
  name_first:    string  

Schema / Response / Status 200 (Ok):

  id_user_steam: string
  name_first:    string
  id_user:       uuid

Fetch Existing User

GET /user

Parameter / Query / Required:

idusersteam: string


GET /user?idusersteam=<id_user_steam>

Schema / Response / Status 200 (Ok):

  id_user_steam: string
  name_first:    string
  id_user:       uuid

Update Asset

PATCH /asset

Parameter / Query / Required:

idasset: uuid
trading: boolean


PATCH /asset?idasset=<uuid>&trading=<boolean>


API Endpoints to support Dexpress' front-end application






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