A template string with a configurable placeholder delimiters. Can take forms like, eg.:
- 'aaa{PARAM}bbb' O:'{', C:'}'
- 'aaa{{PARAM}}bbb' O:'{{', C:'}}'
- 'aaa${PARAM}bbb' O:'${', C:'}'
- 'aaa%PARAM%bbb' O:'%', C:'%'
- 'aaabbb' O:'<', C:'>'
The placeholder structure is: E* O P C, where:
- O: Opening delimiter
- P: Parameter name
- C: Closing delimiter
- E: Escape string
None of the O,C,E can be empty ''.
The placeholders are passed as a constructor arguments: ($template, $open, $close, $escape). If any of $open, $close or $escape is null, the default value for the class is used (class-wide defaults can be set with ::setDefaultDelimiters($open, $close, $escape)).
The string is scanned for the closest non-empty pairs of OPEN/CLOSE.
OPEN directly followed by CLOSE is not treated like a placeholder, but taken verbatim.
The string between the O/C pair is the PARAM name. It can contain anything, except, of cource, OPEN or CLOSE strings.
If the placeholder is directly preceded with 1 or more ESCAPE strings, any two of them are converted to single one. If the E string count is odd, the placeholder is escaped and taken as part of the string in the form OPC, without the last ESC.
- {} : String '{}'
- {P} : Parameter with name 'P'
- !{P} : String '{P}'
- !!{P} : Double escape, string '!' + param 'P'
- !!!!!{P} : Two double escapes and a leftover one, escaping the placeholder: strings '!!' + '{P}'
So the template
is parsed as:
'aaa{}{', @ P1, 'bbb!{P2}ccc!', @ P3, 'ddd'
- '%%%%%P%%%' is 2 double escapes (%%+%%) -> string '%%' + param P + string '%%'
public function __construct(string $template, ?string $open = null, ?string $close = null, ?string $escape = null)
If any of $open, $close or $escape is null, the default value for the class is used.
A debugging function - returns the pieces, to which the template string is split, with the placeholder pieces marked as '@ PHName'.
Returns array ['open'=>..., 'close'=>..., 'escape'=>...]
Returns array - the default delimiters for the class: ['open'=>..., 'close'=>..., 'escape'=>...]
public static function setDefaultDelimiters(?string $open = null, ?string $close = null, ?string $escape = null) : void
Set the default delimiters for the entire class. If any of them is null, use the hardcoded default.
Get the template string passed to the constructor
Clone the object and set the named param value.
Get a parameter by name
Clone the object and set multiple params at once.
Get a snapshot of the parameters
$ph = new Placeholders(
'The answer is <ans>, !<not a param>, !!<a param>, !!!<not a param>, !!!!<also param>',
'<', '>', '!'
$ph = $ph->withParams(['ans'=>42, 'a param'=>'XXX', 'also param'=>'YYY']);
"$ph" == 'The answer is 42, <not a param>, !XXX, !<not a param>, !!YYY';