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Filter the linelist for lines above the maximum ionization limit in t…
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…he SAHA equations of eos.f
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AWehrhahn committed Jun 7, 2022
1 parent 63955c2 commit ddcae66
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 0 deletions.
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions src/pysme/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,6 +146,129 @@ def InputLineList(self, linelist):
species : array(string) of size (nlines,)
names of the elements (with Ionization level)

# Check for unsupported lines in the linelist
# The limits are given by which data is available in XSAHA in eos.f
# The one letter elements need the space, as this is what we get from the
# linelist species
max_ion = {
"H ": 2,
"He": 3,
"Li": 4,
"Be": 4,
"B ": 4,
"C ": 6,
"N ": 6,
"O ": 6,
"F ": 6,
"Ne": 6,
"Na": 6,
"Mg": 6,
"Al": 6,
"Si": 6,
"P ": 6,
"S ": 6,
"Cl": 5,
"Ar": 5,
"K ": 5,
"Ca": 5,
"Sc": 5,
"Ti": 5,
"V ": 5,
"Cr": 5,
"Mn": 5,
"Fe": 5,
"Co": 5,
"Ni": 5,
"Cu": 3,
"Zn": 3,
"Ga": 3,
"Ge": 3,
"As": 3,
"Se": 3,
"Br": 3,
"Kr": 3,
"Rb": 3,
"Sr": 3,
"Y ": 3,
"Zr": 3,
"Nb": 3,
"Mo": 3,
"Tc": 3,
"Ru": 3,
"Rh": 3,
"Pd": 3,
"Ag": 3,
"Cd": 3,
"In": 3,
"Sn": 3,
"Sb": 3,
"Te": 3,
"I ": 3,
"Xe": 3,
"Cs": 3,
"Ba": 3,
"La": 3,
"Ce": 4,
"Pr": 4,
"Nd": 4,
"Pm": 3,
"Sm": 3,
"Eu": 4,
"Gd": 3,
"Tb": 3,
"Dy": 3,
"Ho": 3,
"Er": 3,
"Tm": 3,
"Yb": 3,
"Lu": 3,
"Hf": 3,
"Ta": 3,
"W ": 3,
"Re": 3,
"Os": 3,
"Ir": 3,
"Pt": 3,
"Au": 3,
"Hg": 3,
"Tl": 3,
"Pb": 3,
"Bi": 3,
"Po": 3,
"At": 3,
"Rn": 3,
"Fr": 3,
"Ra": 3,
"Ac": 3,
"Th": 3,
"Pa": 3,
"U ": 3,
"Np": 3,
"Pu": 3,
"Am": 3,
"Cm": 3,
"Bk": 3,
"Cf": 3,
"Es": 3,

elem = linelist["species"].astype("U2")
ion = linelist["ionization"]

# For each element check if we are above the maximum ionization
mask = np.full(len(linelist), False)
for key, value in max_ion.items():
mask |= (elem == key) & (ion > value)
"Discarding %i high ionization lines, of species %s",
", ".join(np.unique(linelist[mask].species)),
# And remove those lines
linelist = linelist[~mask]

# Prepare arrays for the C code
atomic = linelist["atomic"].T
species = linelist["species"]
species = np.asarray(species, "S8")
Expand Down

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