Old Repo was missing a .gitignore file that makes Unity and GitHub's married life bearable
Experiments with in-browser level editors
Sample 3D editor taken from here, all in js :(
First test: https://rawgit.com/ARoomTooFar/level-editor-tests/master/Executables/web1.0/web1.0.html
Commented out these lines that cause build errors. :
return info.GetFiles ();
- Assets/Plugins/OpenEd/Scripts/OEFilesystem.js(74,29): BCE0019: 'GetFiles' is not a member of 'System.IO.DirectoryInfo'.
return info.GetDirectories ();
- Assets/Plugins/OpenEd/Scripts/OEFilesystem.js(79,29): BCE0019: 'GetDirectories' is not a member of 'System.IO.DirectoryInfo'.
sw = File.CreateText ( path );
- Assets/Plugins/OpenFile/OFWriter.js(13,43): BCE0019: 'CreateText' is not a member of 'System.IO.File'.