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Documenting the processing of drone imagery using Photoscan Pro at the UA-HPC


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The aim of this notebook is to document the steps for processing drone imagery using PhotoScan Pro and the High Performance Computing services from The University of Arizona (UA). Users of these resources are part of a collaboration project between USDA-ARS-SWRC and UA.

This guide is fully based on the official support Wiki from Cyverse-GIS that can be found here.

The steps described below have been tested using an account in the Storm server environment. This server is located at the SWRC-ARS SWRC facilities and users connect to it by using VNC (Virtual Network Connection) software to access a graphical user interface (GUI).

Note: Non-Storm users could follow these steps from any terminal or command-line where Secure Shell (SSH) is installed. The main reasons behind running these tests from Storm server are:

  1. PhotoScan license available in Storm
  2. X-Window configuration is already set for all users in Storm.
  3. Other software (e.g. SSH tools, Cisco VPN) already available for every user in Storm (ssh,ssh-keygen, ssh-copy-id, sshfs,etc.).

Screencasts are included in this guide to support users that are not familiarized with some of the concepts mentioned.

1. Requirements

  • UA-NetID ([email protected])
  • Passcodes (Numbers sent by message by the UA for 2-factor-authentication)
  • Access to a terminal/command line with Secure Shell software (SSH) installed
  • A folder ready with all the drone imagery and PhotoScan project. This need to be transfered to UA-HPC.

2. Connecting to UA-VPN from Storm server

In this step you need to open the software called Cisco AnyConnect VPN and connect to In the Storm desktop you will find an icon named "Cisco Anyconnect Secure Mobile" as you can see in the image below.

Type in the input text box in case is not already there. Then, click connect and type username, password, and passcode.

Note: The 2-factor authentication requires the use of passcodes, thus Cisco interface will indicate the initial number of the passcode you need to use. This number will show up in the bottom part (information bar) of the window (i.e. the section where it says Unable to contact localhost. in the image above). These passcodes are commonly sent by text message.

3. Opening a Terminal

Once the connection to the UA-VPN is ready is time to test the connection to the UA-HPC servers. Open the Terminal software or any other software that provides access to the console/command line, see the icon in the image below for one option in Storm. Terminal is just a name commonly used in Unix-like systems to identify the command line tool.

Ready to set up the connection to the UA-HPC from the terminal!

4. Set up UA-credentials

This is a one-time-only step, you will NOT do this everytime you want to process some imagery.

Why do you need this?

To save time and avoid password and passcode requests everytime you need to access a UA-HPC server. Instead, you will type your UA-NetID password and passcode once and that is it. For the following ssh connections you should not get password/passcode requests. Your credentials are divided into public and private, the public part is sent to the UA-HPC and the private stays in your user's folder.

A brief description of what you see in the steps showed in the screencast above:

4.1 Generating credentials

This is for creating public and private keys. Let default values and just hit enter at all of the questions. From the user command line type:

ssh-keygen -t rsa
4.2 Connect to the HPC server

Next, connect to the HPC server using ssh.

After some messages are displayed you will get the question: Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?, just type yes. Then you get the password: request, just type your UA-NetID password. Next, if your password was correct, you need to type the passcode.

If everything went smooth, you should be connected at the gatekeeper server.

Just type exit to logout from this server and continue with the next step.

4.3 Copy public key to the UA-HPC

After you exited from gatekeeper HPC server you will be at your STORM command line, that is where you need to type the following:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ida_rsa [email protected]  

After this, your public key was copied into your UA-HPC user and now you should be ready to make further ssh connections without having to type your password and passcode.

5. Transfer data to UA-HPC

The folder with imagery and PhotoScan project should be ready to be copied into UA-HPC.

  • The location /xdisk/username needs to be created in Storm just once. Check the availability of the folder by typing ls /xdisk/username. If you can't list it, please request its creation at USDA-ARS-SWRC.

  • All the projects can live within that folder since this is just a shared file system in the UA-HPC.

  • User should copy the project folder into this path.

Type the following line in your Storm terminal to mount the file system.

sshfs -o sshfs_debug [email protected]:/xdisk/geponce /xdisk/geponce

Now you can copy your project folder to your /xdisk/username and automatically everything that you copy into it will be sent to the UA-HPC.

cp /home/username/DATA/project1 /xdisk/geponce/

Folder project1 is copied (sent to UA-HPC) to /xdisk/geponce/ network file system.

This path (/xdisk/geponce/) will be used in the PhotoScan Preferences in the Network tab (see red box in the image below).

PhotoScan will point to this /xdisk/username folder and the physical location of that folder will be at the UA-HPC.


One question that emerged during this step is: Where should I start/store my project at? E.g. If the project is stored in /username/projects/proj1/, PhotoScan will save that path in the metadata of the project. Thus, if the project is moved into /xdisk/username for doing the heavy lifting processing, PhotoScan will look for the former path. Therefore, metadata should be checked before starting the HPC processing to make sure that the references to file paths are correct.

6. Request a node for PhotoScan Server (orchestrator)

Next step is to request/initiate the PhotoScan Server. This is a node/computer that will work as the orchestrator of the processing, coordinating the access to PhotoScan at each CPU's/GPU's.

First, open a terminal and connect to HPC-Server (gatekeeper).

If you did the credentials setup steps, you should not get the password/passcode request.

Once you are connected type this to request access to the Ocelote:

ocelote -X 

At the Ocelote command line, type the following line to request the server node.

qsub -X -I -N photoscan-server-node-1 -m bea -W group_list=tswetnam -q standard -l select=1:ncpus=12:mem=32gb -l cput=72:0:0 -l walltime=72:0:0 -l place=pack:shared

You might need to wait a minute or two before getting the resource access granted. Some of the parameters have been changed to increase the resource reservation time. E.g. walltime, in case the processing goes beyond a day or two. For more information you can see the official Cyverse-GIS guide on PhotoScan.

Screencast exemplifying the run of previous commands:

7. Loading PhotoScan Pro software for the Server

Once you get access to the server node, you will be at the command line of the server you just requested. Here you need to activate/load PhotoScan Pro License.

Run this:

module load photoscan-pro/1/1.4.3

Note: For some reason, the first time you try to load the license you get an error message, try again and it should work, see below.

8. Start PhotoScan as a Server (orchestrator)

In this step, you need to identify the name of the server that was assigned to you. You can find it at the left side of the cursor in the command line, see below in the animated example, the server/node name is highlighted.

Run this line to activate the PhotoScan Server (orchestrator).

# Change the name of the server by the one you got --server --dispatch --control --root /xdisk/geponce

The server domain will be different, depending on what server was assigned to you. You get the name and then append The final part of the command is the name of your folder, /xdisk/username, previously configured.

In the screencast below you will see the type of output messages you might get during these steps.

9. Request GPU node

Now, it's time to request nodes with GPU capability. For this, open a new terminal (Do not close the one from the previous step with the server).

Run this in the new terminal to connect to gatekeeper that will let you request the nodes with GPU:

Ok, now you are at the gatekeeper node again, get into the Ocelote running this:

ocelote -X 

Now, you are at the command line ready to ask for a node, instead of asking for a server node, you will be asking for a GPU node and this is the line you need to run:

qsub -I -X -N jobtest -W group_list=tswetnam -q windfall -l select=1:ncpus=28:mem=196gb:ngpus=1 -l cput=1344:0:0 -l walltime=72:0:0 

You might need to wait a few seconds or minutes before getting node access granted. The node reservation time (cput) is for 2 days (28 cpus * 48 hrs).

In the next section you can see the previous commands running in a screencast.

10. Load PhotoScan @ Node

At the command line of the assigned node/gpu load the PhotoScan license for it. Remember to run this line twice if you get a message error the first time.

module load photoscan-pro/1/1.4.3

11. Start PhotoScan as a Node (GPU)

The final step in setting up the GPU node is to start it as a PhotoScan Pro node by running the following line: --node --dispatch --capability any --cpu_enable 1 --gpu_mask 1 --root /xdisk/geponce

Do not forget to change the server name.

See the previous steps running in the screencast below:

You will need a new request for every GPU node you want

See the example below where a new terminal is opened and another GPU node request is done for the same server in this example, i7n17.

In the example below, the tabs from the terminal are renamed to identify where the server and GPUs were requested. By switching between tabs at the Terminal software you will be able to see what is going on with the Server/Orchestrator and the GPU nodes.

From here, you can go through the same process as many times as nodes you want. Right now (Jan/2019) the maximum number of GPU nodes you are able to request is 10.

12. Start PhotoScan Network Monitor

At the Storm user's Desktop find the program Photoscan_Monitor. This will start the software that will allow you to monitor the activity of the GPU's network.

Using this monitoring tool you can connect to the PhotoScan Server (orchestrator) you will see the server and the GPU nodes working/progress.

As you can see, the connection is made to the PhotoScan server and at the bottom part, the list of GPU nodes shows up. Once you start the processing in the PhotoScan Pro GUI you will see activity in this monitoring tool.

13. Testing from the PhotoScan Pro GUI

Here is a screencast showing the use of PhotoScan GUI in Storm (using SWRC-ARS-SWRC PhotoScan License) on how to open the project and run the process "Build Dense Point Cloud" using the configured UA-HPC cluster.

14. Comments/Remarks

  • To add previous steps to the "Build Dense Point Cloud" process (e.g. alignment with RTK) will improve this document.

  • Also, it would be useful to continue documenting the workflow to show how to generate other end-products beyond the point cloud.

  • To investigate how to make projects with relative file paths instead of absolute, as is set in the metadata. As it was mentioned above, when files are copied to UA-HPC in the file system /xdisk/username, PhotoScan will try to find imagery and other files in whatever path is the project in and that is not the way PhotoScan works in a distributed computing environment; imagery needs to exist within the /xdisk/username.

  • These steps might involve lots of command-typing, but at this point, this workflow is the best choice to process lots of images in PhotoScan, especially if the goal is to run this process for several flights.

  • This process took ~ 1 day of processing time for building "Dense Point Cloud" with a project of 2000 photos at High quality and mild depth filtering versus 7 to 10 days when using a single computer.

  • The processes demonstrated here could reach a higher level of automation by taking advantage of the Python API provided by Agisoft and some of the resources offered by the UA-HPC team.


Documenting the processing of drone imagery using Photoscan Pro at the UA-HPC







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