ARC-Velocity is a dynamic open-source project that aims to create a unique solution for a challenging problem using a combination of Python, JavaScript, CSS, C++, and HTML. This project showcases the power and versatility of these languages in harmony, as well as the creativity and innovation of the developers. 🙌
ARC-Velocity is an exciting project that leverages multiple technologies to achieve its goal. The project involves building a web application that uses a machine learning model to analyze and visualize data from various sources. The model is trained on a large dataset of images and videos, and can perform tasks such as object detection, segmentation, classification, and tracking. The web application allows users to interact with the model and explore its results in real-time. 🚀
These instructions will help you set up ARC-Velocity on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
git clone
cd ARC-Velocity
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install
npm start
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to see the web application. 🎉
├── .idea
├── Case
├── ForLandingVideo
├── backend
├── mainSetupARD
├── public
├── src
├── .gitignore
├── ModelAccuracy.png
├── ModelLoss.png
├── output.png
├── output1.png
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── requirements.txt
🐍 Python (49.1%): The main programming language used for developing the backend server and the machine learning model.
💻 JavaScript (29.3%): The main programming language used for developing the frontend application and the user interface using React, a popular library for building user interfaces.
🎨 CSS (15.1%): The style sheet language used for designing the layout and appearance of the web pages.
⚡ C++ (5.7%): The programming language used for optimizing some parts of the machine learning model and integrating it with Python.
📄 HTML (0.8%): The markup language used for creating the structure and content of the web pages.
For more information about the model accuracy values, please refer to the ModelAccuracyValues.ipynb file in another repository. This file contains some graphs and tables that show how well the model performs on different metrics and datasets. 📊
Note: ModelAccuracyValues.ipynb has been moved to this repository.