APL Code for using GPIO (typically via quick2wire interface boards).
To use the Morse code example, you will require:
- A Dyalog APL Interpreter (see http://packages.dyalog.com)
- The Quick2Wire GPIO admin tool installed (https://github.com/quick2wire/quick2wire-gpio-admin)
- An LED which can be controlled using GPIO (the code assumes you have a Quick2Wire expansion board with an LED on port 18)
- Extract the files Morse.dyalog, Files.dyalog and MorseCode.txt into the same folder
- Start APL and load the Morse file using for example ]load /home/pi/Morse
- Initialise the morse code table by calling e.g. Morse.Init '/home/pi/MorseCode.txt'
- Display morse code by calling e.g. Morse.Display 'SOS'
A video of the result of step 4) can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKBS0gtSDQ8