Welcome to the SIXT challenge @hackatum2021. This year everything is about robo taxis. At IAA we announced our cooperation with Intel / MobileEye to launch a level 4 robo taxi service in Munich later in 2022 TechCrunch
Its up to you: Build something great around robo taxi / autonomous vehicles!
Some ideas:
- Where should a vehicle go after a passenger dropped off? The car can't just wait on a busy street.
- Which vehicle fits best for serving a booking?
- For development we probably need a automatic simulator for our booking engine
- Build trust
- Come up with your own idea!
We are sharing a very simple API with you for building your prototyp. If you need something else please get in touch with the SIXT team.
Base URL https://us-central1-sixt-hackatum-2021.cloudfunctions.net/api
GET /vehicles
GET /vehicles/:id
POST /vehicles/:id/coordinates
with JSON body:
"lat": 48.04323044296281,
"lng": 11.510139695252404
POST /vehicles/:id/charge
with JSON body:
"charge": 95
POST /vehicles/:id/block
POST /vehicles/:id/unblock
GET /bookings
GET /bookings/:id
POST /bookings
with JSON body:
"pickupLat": 48.04323044296281,
"pickupLng": 11.510139695252404,
"destinationLat": 48.1411259559854,
"destinationLng": 11.564591269895596
DELETE /bookings/:id
POST /bookings/:id/assignVehicle/:vehicleId
If the vehicle arrived at the pickup location the passenger needs to confirm that he/she got in the car
POST /bookings/:id/passengerGotOn
If the vehicle arrived at the pickup location the passenger needs to confirm that he/she got off the car
POST /bookings/:id/passengerGotOff
- Create a booking
- Assign a vehicle to the booking
- Confirm that the passenger is in the car
- Confirm that the passenger is off the car
We are a international team with 300+ engineers always looking for new talented and higly motivated people to join us.
You are a student and looking for a great working student opportunity (or get in touch with us during the Hackaton):
- Frontend (React) Engineering: https://www.sixt.jobs/de/job/60168
- Backend Cloud Engineering (Go/Java): https://www.sixt.jobs/de/job/60169
- iOS or Android Engineering: https://www.sixt.jobs/de/job/60175
You are already a professional engineer? Get in touch with the SIXT team.