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Ghislain B. edited this page Jan 18, 2025
72 revisions
This repo has significantly expanded the set of Examples from the mleibman repo
- Using a filtered data view to drive the grid (most comprehensive)
- Interactive grouping and aggregates
- Realtime Trading - High Frequency Update (must see demo)
- Web Component with custom PubSub Service
- Infinite Scroll with DataView (new)
- Basic use with configuration
- Basic use within a shadow DOM tree
- Adding some formatting
- Handling events and context menu
- Highlighting and flashing cells
- Adding some formatting
- Making it editable
- Writing compound editors
- Implementing undo
- Using a CompositeEditor to implement detached item edit form
- CompositeEditor (enhanced) implements detached modal to: Create / Edit / Mass-Update / Mass-Selection
- Using pre-compiled micro-templates to render cells
- Spreadsheet: cell range selection, copy'n'paste and Excel-style formula editor
- Spreadsheet using a DataView: cell range selection
- Spreadsheet: features of the previous example plus Excel compatible copy and paste
- Spreadsheet: features of the previous example but using a DataView
- No vertical scrolling (autoHeight)
- Filling the whole window
- Colspan
- Rowspan - Employees Timesheets
- Rowspan - large dataset
- Column grouping
- Grid auto-resize on browser resize
- Grid column size to content
- Pivoting (read only)
- Implementing a totals row via a data provider
- Footer totals row
- (most comprehensive) Using a filtered data view to drive the grid
- Optimizing DataView for 500,000 rows
- Optimizing DataView Updates
- AJAX-loading data with search
- AJAX-loading data, second example
- Sorting by an index, getItem method
- Using fixed header row for quick filters
- Multi-column sorting
- Multi-column sorting using tristate numbered buttons
- Using dataItemColumnValueExtractor option to specify a custom column value extractor
- Interactive grouping and aggregates
- Adding tree functionality (expand/collapse) to the grid
- Adding tree functionality with tree sorting
- Adding grouping using column dragging and dropping
- Adding Header Grouping + Draggable Column Grouping & Dropping
- Checkbox row selection with grouping and checkbox to select rows in group
- Row Group with dedicated Grouping Column
- Explicit initialization
- Row selection & reordering
- Row reordering (simple example without delete)
- Using background post-rendering to add graphs
- Background post-rendering with async cleanup
- Auto scroll when dragging
- Grid with Hidden Columns
- Frozen Grid with Hidden Columns
- CSP Header (Content Security Policy)
- Custom Formatter using native HTML
- Putting multiple grids on a page
- With Bootstrap 3 header
- SlickGrid inside jQueryUI Accordion
- Dynamically created SlickGrid inside jQueryUI tabs
- Dynamically created SlickGrid with DataView and filtering, inside jQueryUI tabs
- jQueryUI Autocomplete editor
- Select2 javascript drop-down editor
- Select2 Multiselect javascript drop-down editor
- Multi-select javascript drop-down editor
- Control: Grid Menu (hamburger menu)
- Plugin: Checkbox row selectors with CheckboxSelectColumn plugin
- Plugin: Checkbox row selectors with grouping levels
- Plugin: Checkbox row selectors with 'select all' checkbox in header
- Plugin: Column header buttons
- Plugin: Column header menu
- Plugin: Auto tooltips
- Plugin: Row Detail Panel
- Plugin: Context Menu & Cell Menu
- Plugin: Grid State
- 3 Plugins combo: RowDetail / RowMoveManager / RowSelection
- Move Rows between 2 grids
- Initialising header column sorting using an external function
- Plugin: Custom Tooltip
SlickGrid Repo
- Home
- The SlickGrid Manifesto
- The SlickGrid Community
- BugFix List
- Enhancement List
- Sharing Sample Pages
- Announcement & Migration to 3.0.0
- Announcement & Migration to 4.0.0
- Announcement & Migration to 5.0.0
Jump Start
- API Reference
- Grid
- Grid Options
- Auto Column Sizing
- Column Options
- Grid Events
- DataView
- DataView Events
- Providing data to the grid
- Plugins & Third-party packages
- CSP Compliance