A variation of the popular Memory game where you have to reveal all cards in the correct order
In this special edition of Numemory the numbers are years of birth of famous IT and computer science personage: Ada Lovelace, John von Neumann, Konrad Zuse, Alan Turing, Frances E. Allen, Margaret Hamilton, Lenore Blum, Bjarne Stroustrup, Steve Jobs and Steve Ballmer.

- Suitable for any number of players.
- There are ten cards with ten different numbers on their front sides.
- At the beginning of the game all cards are shuffled, then placed upside down on the table.
- The goal is to flip over all cards in ascending order in one go without any mistakes.
- Players take turns by flipping over one card at a time.
- If it's a card that's in order the player can continue with step 1.
- If not, all revealed cards are flipped upside down and the next player takes a turn.
- A player wins if he manages to flip over all cards in the correct order. The game restarts.
- More cards increase difficulty.
- Less cards decrease difficulty.
- Show cards' front sides for a limited time at the beginning of the game to make it easier.
- Cards must be flipped over in reverse order.
In the following variants the players first have to figure out which cards are lowest and highest ;-)
- Cards are not numbered consecutively but following a mathematical sequence , e.g. Fibonacci numbers, prime numbers … (see OEIS for inspiration).
- Cards are numbered with historical years accompanied by pictures of events that happened in this year.
- Expert mode: Cards show only the pictures of historical figures.
(source: https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/1i81rpg/maybe_maybe_maybe/)