- React
- Webpack
- Babel
- Kea.js/Redux
- React Router 4
- Styled Components
- Axios HTTP Client
- Flow Type Checking
- Standardjs
- Hygen
The presented solution use Docker.
Please install Docker according to the desired operating system.
Build Docker command:
docker build --rm -t 5gcity:latest . --build-arg API_BASE_URL=https://5g-dashboard.i2cat.net --build-arg API_MONITORING=https://5gcity-monitoring.i2cat.net/d/qymONwsWz
When on your console show Successfully built xxxxxxxxxx
run command:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 5gcity:latest
Go to http://localhost:5000
To Stop Container Ctrl+C
To change the name or tag of docker image modify:
docker build --rm -t NAME:TAG
To change API_BASE_URL or API_MONITORING need to pass --build-arg
modify API_BASE_URL="http://XXX.XXX.X.XXX
docker build --rm -t 5gcity:latest . --build-arg API_BASE_URL=http://xxx.xxx.x.xxx --build-arg API_MONITORING=http://xxx.xxx.x.xxx
1 - Clone the project
2 - Install dependencies
yarn install
3 - Create a branch of the feature/issue you are working on
git checkout -b <feature/issue>
4 - Start the dev environment
yarn start
yarn lint:fix
yarn lint
yarn test
yarn generate:component
yarn generate:container
yarn generate:scene
yarn start:storybook
yarn build:storybook