ALBridge is a lightweight JavaScript bridge for WKWebView on iOS.
AL is short for Anlan, the name of an ancient bridge in Dujiangyan, China.
- JSAction
JSAction is a block of code that can be invoked by JavaScript. It needs to be registered in ALBridge before it can be invoked by JavaScript. The result of JSAction is returned through asynchronous callbacks. - Dispatch native event
Native event can be dispatched to the window object and in JavaScript code it can be subscribed bywindow.addEventListener(event, handler)
- Whitelist
Only sites on the whitelist can use ALBridge.
pod 'ALBridge'
let bridge = ALBridge.init()
JSAction is a block of code that can be invoked by JavaScript. It needs to be registered in ALBridge before it can be invoked by JavaScript. The result of JSAction is returned through asynchronous callbacks.
You can add JSAction and action name in to ALBridge.handler
bridge.handlers["action_name"] = { (message, param, completionHandler, progressChangedHandler) in
/* implement */
The callback handler of JSAction can be ignored if there is no result to return.
ALBridge supports dispatch native events to the windows object of JavaScript.
webView.dispatchEvent(name: "event_name", content: params)
ALBridge will check whether the current url of wkwebview is on the whitelist before the native event is dispatched or JSActivon be executed.
Whitelist verification only validates the scheme, host, and port of the url.
If the whitelist of ALBrige is empty it means there is no verification.
Add url to whitelist:
Remove url from whitelist
Clean whitelist