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Command glossary

43615 edited this page Dec 19, 2023 · 26 revisions

Slashes separate number / string variants of overloaded commands. Register usage is annotated like FR (important for syntax). "Inverted" special modes are indented.

  • a char <-> code point
  • A string <-> integer from UTF-8 byte seq
  • bR pop reg to buffer
    • !bR pop top array to stack
  • BR push buffer to reg
    • !BR append stack to top array
  • c clear stack
    • !c reallocate memory (shrink to fit)
  • C clear top A objects from stack
  • d duplicate top-of-stack
  • D duplicate top A objects of stack
  • f print stack
  • FR print reg
  • g natural log / string length
  • G Bth log of A
  • i set input base
  • I get input base
  • k set output precision
  • K get output precision
  • lR load top-of-reg
    • !lR copy reg to stack
  • LR pop from reg
    • !LR append reg to stack
  • mR reserve reg, run A on child thread
    • !mR don't copy parent state
  • MR join thread (timeout A ms), save thread's stack to reg
  • n pop and print
  • N random natural number below A
  • o set output base
  • O get output base
  • p println
  • P pop and println
  • q quit
  • Q break A macro layers
  • r swap top 2 objects
  • R rotate top |A| objects (+: up, -: down)
    • !R flip top |A| objects
  • sR overwrite top-of-reg
    • !sR overwrite reg with stack
  • SR push to reg
    • !SR append stack to reg
  • t trig functions, numbered like in APL
  • T wait A ms
  • v sqrt
  • V Bth root of A
  • w set working precision
  • W get working precision
  • x execute string
  • X execute string A B times
  • yR execute reg if A is a string
  • z stack depth
  • ZR reg depth
    • !ZR reg array length

Other chars, →↓ on QWERTY:

  • ~ divide with remainder / split string A at index B
  • ! invert conditional (<=>) or special mode
  • @ scientific notation input (instead of e/E)
  • # comment (until end of line in scripts)
  • $ get environment variable A
  • % mod / isolate Bth char
  • ^ exponent / find B in A
    • !^ (str only) find by regex
  • & execute script with filename A
    • !& push file contents
  • * multiply / repeat string (invert if neg)
  • () any-base number input
  • - subtract / remove chars from string (from the front if neg)
  • _ negative sign
  • =R execute reg if B==A
  • + add / concat
  • [] string input
  • {} create/destroy parameter context with defaults k,i,o = -1,10,10
  • ;R load from reg array at idx A
    • !;R truncate to len A and reallocate
  • :R save A to reg array at idx B
    • !:R extend to len B using A
  • ' force number input (use letters)
  • " print number to string / get constant by name
  • \ execute OS command
  • | A^B mod C / search A for B, replace all with C
    • !| (str only) replace by regex
  • , set reg pointer
  • <R execute reg if B<A
  • . fractional separator
  • >R execute reg if B>A
  • / divide / shorten to B chars (remove from front if neg)
  • ? prompt for one line of input and execute
    • !? push string instead
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