Fully conformant HTML5 dom library with CSS4 selectors. Based on Modest.
Tested on Linux. Should work fine on OSX and Windows.
Modest is written in pure C, without any external dependency. Just fetch source code and compile.
git clone https://github.com/2night/arrogant.git
cd arrogant
git submodule update --init
cd c/Modest
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
dub -c arrogant_test_app
import arrogant;
import std.stdio : writeln, stdout;
void main()
auto src = `<html><head></head><body><div>Hello World</div></body></html>`;
auto arrogant = Arrogant();
auto tree = arrogant.parse(src);
// Change div content from "Hello World!" to "Hello D!"
tree.byTagName("div").front.innerText = "Hello D!";
// Print the edited html
assert(tree.document.innerHTML == "<html><head></head><body><div>Hello D!</div></body></html>");
import arrogant;
import std.net.curl;
import std.stdio : writeln, stdout;
void main()
auto src = "https://forum.dlang.org".get;
auto arrogant = Arrogant();
auto tree = arrogant.parse(src);
size_t cnt = 0;
writeln("Recent posts on forum.dlang.org:\n");
// Search for summary divs
foreach(post; tree.byClass("forum-index-col-lastpost"))
string title = post.byClass("forum-postsummary-subject").front["title"];
string author = post.byClass("forum-postsummary-author").front["title"];
string date = post.byCssSelector("span.forum-postsummary-time > span").front["title"];
writeln("Title: ", title);
writeln("By: ", author);
writeln("Date: ", date);
writeln("Total: ", cnt, " posts");
Check this code or read documentation