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  • Mock XNET deployed at 0x20dB0C103641658e77aA14a8723940Cf8a72Ab57
  • Router 0x467Ba24340E6D0708c55Be62BDF9d3585bA0a110


  • Payment Router deployed on Polygon mainnet at 0x52F6DCA38F7F32779c488B400bbbf55882ddC0DE

  • DeFleet owner and treasury 0xec847ea7a57c347B6131F8F17ffa53de0974475C gnosis multisig

Router Contract Function Descriptions

Transaction Functions

sendToken(address _token, address[] calldata _recipients, uint256[] calldata _amounts)

Allows the batch sending of ERC20 tokens from the caller's address to multiple recipients. Includes fee handling based on sender's discount rate.

  • Parameters:
    • _token: Address of the ERC20 token to be sent.
    • _recipients: Array of recipient addresses.
    • _amounts: Array of token amounts corresponding to each recipient.

sendNative(address[] calldata _recipients, uint256[] calldata _amounts)

Allows the batch sending of native Ether from the caller's address to multiple recipients. Includes fee handling based on sender's discount rate.

  • Parameters:
    • _recipients: Array of recipient addresses.
    • _amounts: Array of Ether amounts corresponding to each recipient.

Fee Management Functions

setArrayLimit(uint256 _arrayLimit)

Sets the maximum number of recipients that can be handled in a single transaction batch.

  • Parameters:
    • _arrayLimit: The maximum number of recipients.

setDiscountStep(uint256 _discountStep)

Sets the discount step which affects the transaction fee discounts given to users based on their transaction count.

  • Parameters:
    • _discountStep: The discount step value.

setFee(uint256 _fee)

Sets the fee required for transactions.

  • Parameters:
    • _fee: The fee amount.

setBaseFee(uint256 _baseFee)

Sets the base fee amount which acts as the minimum fee.

  • Parameters:
    • _baseFee: The base fee amount.

setFeeManager(address _feeManager)

Sets the address that can manage fee settings.

  • Parameters:
    • _feeManager: Address of the new fee manager.

setFeeReceiver(address _feeReciever)

Sets the address to which fees are paid.

  • Parameters:
    • _feeReciever: Address of the fee receiver.

excludeFromFee(address _address)

Excludes or includes an address from having to pay fees on transactions.

  • Parameters:
    • _address: The address to be excluded or included from fees.

Token Recovery Functions

recoverTokens(address _token)

Allows recovery of ERC20 tokens or native Ether sent to this contract by mistake.

  • Parameters:
    • _token: Address of the ERC20 token. If this is the fee receiver address, Ether is recovered.

View Functions

getDiscountRate(address _user)

Returns the discount rate for a given user based on their transaction count.

  • Parameters:
    • _user: The address of the user.

getCurrentFee(address _user)

Calculates the current fee for a given user, taking into account their discount rate.

  • Parameters:
    • _user: The address of the user.


Returns the current transaction fee.


Returns the current base fee.


Returns the current discount step.


Returns the maximum number of recipients allowed in a single transaction batch.


DeFleet router and testing contracts






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