A port of Line Segment Detector(LSD) to use OpenCV structures, as part of the GSoC 2013 program. The original code and paper, developed by Rafael Grompone von Gioi [email protected], can be found at http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2012/gjmr-lsd/ .
The source files are separated in the following directories:
* src/ - main files that are build to different shared libs
* examples/ - contains a variety of examples on how to use the code
* tests/ - different ways to test the performance
* docs/ - documentation from the original code
* images/ - contains images for easy use and tests
On linux, navigate to the lsd_1.6 directory and execute
mkdir build cd build/ cmake .. make
To use the OpenCV LSD, create and LSD object, calling detect with the input image and a vector of lines.
To test the difference between the standard and the converted algorithm, run
./visual_test ./../images/any-image
to test the algorithm in specific cases, use the
It will run the code against a set of predefined cases.