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Add support for mutually recursive types with type parameters
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polytypic committed Feb 10, 2020
1 parent f4384f5 commit 11eae0b
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56 changes: 41 additions & 15 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -122,6 +122,27 @@ and paths_row ta ps = function
ts1 @ ts2

let rec_from_extyp typ label s =
match s with
| ExT([], t) ->
let rec find_rec = function
| AppT(t, ts) ->
let rec_t, unroll_t, roll_t, ak = find_rec t in
rec_t, AppT(unroll_t, ts), AppT(roll_t, ts), ak
| RecT(ak, unroll_t) as rec_t ->
rec_t, unroll_t, rec_t, ak
| DotT(t, lab) ->
let rec_t, unroll_t, roll_t, ak = find_rec t in
rec_t, DotT(unroll_t, lab), DotT(roll_t, lab), ak
| _ ->
error ("non-recursive type for " ^ label ^ ":"
^ " " ^ Types.string_of_extyp s) in
find_rec t
| _ ->
error ("non-recursive type for " ^ label ^ ":"
^ " " ^ Types.string_of_extyp s)

(* Instantiation *)

let rec instantiate env t e =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,15 +407,18 @@ Trace.debug (lazy ("[FunE] env =" ^ VarSet.fold (fun a s -> s ^ " " ^ a) (domain

| EL.RollE(var, typ) ->
let s, zs1 = elab_typ env typ l in
let t, ak, t' =
match s with
| ExT([], (RecT(ak, t') as t)) -> t, ak, t'
| _ -> error "non-recursive type for rolling" in
let rec_t, unroll_t, roll_t, ak = rec_from_extyp typ "rolling" s in
let var_t = lookup_var env var in
let unroll_t = subst_typ (subst [ak] [rec_t]) unroll_t in
let _, zs2, f =
try sub_typ env (lookup_var env var) (subst_typ (subst [ak] [t]) t') []
with Sub e -> error ("rolled value does not match annotation") in
ExT([], t), Pure, zs1 @ zs2,
IL.RollE(IL.AppE(f, IL.VarE(, erase_typ t)
try sub_typ env var_t unroll_t []
with Sub e ->
error ("rolled value does not match annotation:"
^ " " ^ Types.string_of_typ var_t ^ " "
^ "<"
^ " " ^ Types.string_of_typ unroll_t) in
ExT([], roll_t), Pure, zs1 @ zs2,
IL.RollE(IL.AppE(f, IL.VarE(, erase_typ roll_t)

| EL.IfE(var, exp1, exp2, typ) ->
let t0, zs0, ex = elab_instvar env var in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -488,13 +512,15 @@ Trace.debug (lazy ("[UnwrapE] s2 = " ^ string_of_norm_extyp s2));

| EL.UnrollE(var, typ) ->
let s, zs1 = elab_typ env typ l in
let t, ak, t' =
match s with
| ExT([], (RecT(ak, t') as t)) -> t, ak, t'
| _ -> error "non-recursive type for rolling" in
let _, zs2, f = try sub_typ env (lookup_var env var) t [] with Sub e ->
error ("unrolled value does not match annotation") in
ExT([], subst_typ (subst [ak] [t]) t'), Pure, zs1 @ zs2,
let rec_t, unroll_t, roll_t, ak = rec_from_extyp typ "unrolling" s in
let var_t = lookup_var env var in
let _, zs2, f = try sub_typ env var_t roll_t [] with Sub e ->
error ("unrolled value does not match annotation:"
^ " " ^ Types.string_of_typ var_t ^ " "
^ "<"
^ " " ^ Types.string_of_typ roll_t) in
let unroll_t = subst_typ (subst [ak] [rec_t]) unroll_t in
ExT([], unroll_t), Pure, zs1 @ zs2,
IL.UnrollE(IL.AppE(f, IL.VarE(

| EL.RecE(var, typ, exp1) ->
Expand Down
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions regression.1ml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,3 +46,117 @@ type_error {
Impure : () => {type t; existentials: t} = fun () =>
{type t = bool; existentials = true} :> {type t = bool; existentials: t};


Mutually = {
T = rec (R: {
Even: {type t _};
Odd: {type t _};
}) => {
Even = {
type t x = {head: x; tail: R.Odd.t x};
Odd = {
type t x = opt (R.Even.t x);

V = rec (R: {
Even: {
make 'x: x => T.Odd.t x => T.Even.t x;
size 'x: T.Even.t x -> int;
Odd: {
make 'x: opt (T.Even.t x) => T.Odd.t x;
size 'x: T.Odd.t x -> int;
}) => {
Even = {
make 'x (head: x) (tail: T.Odd.t x) : T.Even.t x =
@(T.Even.t x) {head; tail};
size 'x (v: T.Even.t x) = 1 + R.Odd.size v.@(T.Even.t _).tail;
Odd = {
make 'x (v: opt (T.Even.t x)) : T.Odd.t x = @(T.Odd.t x) v;
size 'x (v: T.Odd.t x) =
caseopt v.@(T.Odd.t x)
(fun () => 0)
(fun e => R.Even.size e);

Mutually = {
Even = {...Mutually.T.Even; ...Mutually.V.Even};
Odd = {...Mutually.T.Odd; ...Mutually.V.Odd};

one = Odd.size (Odd.make (some (Even.make true (Odd.make none))));


Hungry = {
type eat a = rec eat_a => a -> eat_a;

eater 'a: eat a = rec (eater: eat a) => @(eat a) (fun a => eater);

(<+) eater x = eater.@(eat _) x;

do eater <+ 1 <+ 2;

PolyRec = {
type l a = rec (type t) => alt a t;
...rec {type t a} => {type t a = alt a (t (type (a, a)))};

t_int = t int;

hmm (x: t int) = casealt (x.@(t int));

t0 = @(t int) (right (@(t (type (int, int))) (left (0, 0))));

N :> {
type Z;
type S _;
} = {
type Z = {};
type S _ = {};

ListN = let
type I (type x) (type p _) (type t _ _) = {
nil : p N.Z;
(::) 'n : x -> t x n -> p (N.S n);
type T x n (type t _ _) = (type p _) => I x p t -> p n;
in {
...rec {type t _ _} => {type t x n = wrap T x n t};

case 'x 'n (type p _) (cs: I x p t) e =
(unwrap e.@(t _ _): wrap T x n t) p cs;

mk 'x 'n (c: T x n t) = @(t x n) (wrap c: wrap T x n t);
nil 'x = mk (fun (type p _) (r: I x p t) => r.nil);
(::) 'x 'n (v: x) (vs: t x n) = mk (fun (type p _) (r: I x p t) => r.:: v vs);
} :> {
type t _ _;

case 'x 'n: (type p _) => I x p t => t x n -> p n;

nil 'x : t x N.Z;
(::) 'x 'n : x => t x n => t x (N.S n);

ListN = {
map 'x 'y 'n (xy: x -> y) = rec (map: 'n => t x n -> t y n) =>
case (t y) {
nil = nil;
(::) x xs = xy x :: map xs;
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,6 +141,10 @@ let rec sub_typ env t1 t2 ps =
ts, zs,
IL.TupE(List.map2 (fun (l, _) f -> l, IL.AppE(f, IL.DotE(e1, l))) tr2 fs)

| TupT(tr1), TupT(tr2) ->
let zs = equal_row env tr1 tr2 ps in
[], zs, e1

| FunT(aks1, t11, s1, Explicit p1), FunT(aks2, t21, s2, Explicit p2) ->
if p1 = Impure && p2 = Pure then raise (Sub (FunEffect(p1, p2)));
let env' = add_typs aks2 env in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,6 +180,17 @@ let rec sub_typ env t1 t2 ps =
raise (Sub (Mismatch(t1, t2))) in
[], zs, e1

| LamT(aks1, t1'), LamT(aks2, t2') ->
if List.length aks1 <> List.length aks2 ||
List.exists2 (fun ak1 ak2 -> snd ak1 <> snd ak2) aks1 aks2 then
raise (Sub (Mismatch(t1, t2)));
let zs = try
equal_typ (add_typs aks2 env)
(subst_typ (subst aks1 (varTs aks2)) t1') t2'
with Sub e ->
raise (Sub (Mismatch(t1, t2)))
in [], lift env zs, e1

| RecT(ak1, t1'), RecT(ak2, t2') ->
if snd ak1 <> snd ak2 then
raise (Sub (Mismatch(t1, t2)));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,3 +324,10 @@ and equal_extyp env s1 s2 =
let _, zs2, _ =
try sub_extyp env s2 s1 [] with Sub e -> raise (Sub (Right e)) in
zs1 @ zs2

and equal_row env tr1 tr2 ps =
let _, zs1, _ =
try sub_row env tr1 tr2 ps with Sub e -> raise (Sub (Left e)) in
let _, zs2, _ =
try sub_row env tr2 tr1 ps with Sub e -> raise (Sub (Right e)) in
zs1 @ zs2

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