hdfs-sparkStream-hbase Use the sparkstream to monitor files in the hdfs folder in real time and write them to hbase
I tested the compressed file and the text file
fhbase/data/my.tar.gz and caca.txt is working properly
but if your file type is *.tar.gz it will
scan 'hehe'
2kk column=f1:hp, timestamp=1500367115256, value=ll
3kk column=f1:hp, timestamp=1500367115256, value=ll
4kk column=f1:hp, timestamp=1500367115256, value=ll
5kk column=f1:hp, timestamp=1500367115256, value=ll
6kk column=f1:hp, timestamp=1500367115256, value=ll
7hh column=f1:hp, timestamp=1500367115256, value=pp
8mm column=f1:hp, timestamp=1500367115256, value=nn
caca\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 column=f1:hp, timestamp=1500367115256, value=ll
\x0013133344145\x00010650\x00 0\x00\
you can control filter at next
println("==================>the key is " + p(0) + " the value is ==>> " + p(1))
if (p(0).length == 2 ) {
println("==================>" + p(0) + " <<=== 风骚的分割线 ==>> " + p(1))
《《step1> create 'hehe','f1' //create hbase table