분산 로깅 스토리지 작성 예제
- Run server
go run cmd/server/main.go
- Request produce to server
❯ curl -X POST localhost:8080 -d \
> '{"record": {"value": "X5gTdUBdJ3sa"}}'
❯ curl -X POST localhost:8080 -d \
'{"record": {"value": "X5gTdUBdJ4sa"}}'
❯ curl -X POST localhost:8080 -d \
'{"record": {"value": "cr7gTdUBdJ5sa"}}'
illegal base64 data at input byte 12
❯ curl -X POST localhost:8080 -d \
'{"record": {"value": "cr7gTdUBd5sa"}}'
- Request consume to server
❯ curl -X GET localhost:8080 -d \
'{"offset": 1}'
❯ curl -X GET localhost:8080 -d \
'{"offset": 3}'
offset not found
❯ curl -X GET localhost:8080 -d \
'{"offset": 0}'
- Install GRPC presets(Dev)
# On ubuntu
sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler
# Install grpc presets
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc
# Update PATH
export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"
- Prototype
- Protocol buffer with struct
- Schema
- Domain
- Logging package
- Storage
- Indexing
- Segment
- Log(Set of segment)
- gRPC request
- Service define
- Server testing
- Client testing
- Security
- Tracing
- Metrics
- Tracing
- Distributed service
- Service discovery
- Concensus
- Multiplexer
- Client load balancing
- Service discovery with LB
- Deployments
- Kubernetes
- FQDN Advertising
- Helm chart
- Kubernetes