- 106703042 楊喻丞
- 108753132 黃翊唐
- 109258003 張竣凱
- 109258042 楊士逸
- 109258040 曾偉恩
predict BTC's price
You should provide an example commend to reproduce your result
Rscript code/final.R --input data/data.csv --output results/pred_nor.csv
- 1101_datascience_FP_group5.pptx
- Source
- Bybit加密貨幣交易平台
- Input format
- data.csv
- We use volume, open, high, low, close as our features.
- Any preprocessing?
- omit missing data
- dimension reduction
- regularization
- Which method do you use?
- GBM algorithm
- MACD trading strategy
- How do your perform evaluation?
- 5 fold cross-validation
- Which metric do you use?
- R-squared, MAE, MSE
- performance.csv
- The return we get from our strategy is about 5%.
- h2o : https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/h2o/index.html
- ggplot2