- 曾偉綱 資科碩二 108753122
- 盧禹叡 經濟碩二 109258026
- 張修誠 資科碩一 110753165
- 邱顯安 資科碩一 110753110
A breif introduction about your project, i.e., what is your goal?
Commend to reproduce our result
Rscript performance.R --fold <k> --train data/training --test data/test --report results/performance.csv --predict result/predict.csv
- Shiny io app : https://brianchiu.shinyapps.io/finalproject/
- Your presentation, 1101_datascience_FP_<yourID|groupName>.ppt/pptx/pdf, by Jan. 13
- Any related document for the final project
- papers
- software user guide
- Form Kaggle API : $ kaggle competitions download boston-housing
- Input format : CSV
- Preprocessing
- Check Missing value
No missing value
- Outlier check & remove by box plot
- Skewness check & process
- Correlated Heat Map between Features
- Which method do you use?
- We use Random forest model for our prediction.
train_control <- trainControl(method = "none") model <- train(medv~., data = train_data, method = "rf", trControl = train_control)
- What is a null model for comparison?
- We compare our model with different select respectively
model <- train(medv~., data = train_data, method = "knn", trControl = train_control)
model <- train(medv~., data = train_data, method = "lm", trControl = train_control)
- How do your perform evaluation? ie. cross-validation, or addtional indepedent data set
- Which metric do you use
- We use RMSE as our metric.
- Is your improvement significant?
- Yes, we improve the RMSE from 3.45 to 3.41
- What is the challenge part of your project?
- Test chose the most appropriate features
- Packages you use
library(caret) library(randomForest) library(ggvis) library(shiny)
- Related publications