Dining philosophers problem and Producer-Consumer problem implementation in C
This program was written and tested on a MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020) with these specs:
- Processor: 2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
- Memory: 16 GB 3733 MHz LPDDR4X
To execute the program just guarantee that you have the gcc
After that, navigates to this folder and runs make
command in the terminal.
Then two compiled programs will appear: run_dining_philosophers.o
and run_producer_consumer.o
To execute Dining Philosophers run, in terminal, the command ./run_dining_philosophers.o philosophersQuantity philosopherThinkingTime philosopherEatingTime
like the e.g. below:
./run_dining_philosophers.o 5 2 2
To execute Producer-Consumer run, in terminal, the command ./run_producer_consumer.o bufferSize producersQuantity producerCapacity consumersQuantity consumerCapacity
like the e.g. below:
./run_producer_consumer.o 100 1 10 2 10