CSA Airpick was bootstrapped with Create React App.
A platform for new international students and volunteers, providing free local airport pickup service and temporary lodging service before moving into dorm.
Airpick's frontend and backend are separated. Frontend uses React.js, backend uses Nodejs. Frontend communicates with backend through RESTful APIs and JSON.
|-----client/ #client side
|-----public/ #public resources for frontend
|-----server/ #server side
|-----build/ #built version of frontend app for production
|-----config/ #configs for frontend app
|-----scripts/ #npm scripts, comes with CRA
|-----server.js #entry of backend service
|-----package.json #dependency
|-----package-lock.json #dependency with version and integrity checking
|-----Dockerfile #docker for deploy
Yinghan Ma ([email protected])
Yanghaoyu Chen ([email protected])
Lutong Zhang
Shida Yang